In 1962, the SDS released their “Port Huron Statement.â€Â The Port Huron Statement established the SDS as an “anti-anti-Communismâ€Â organization. Indeed, the SDS was largely an anti-Western-Civilization organization. They expressed their opinion of Western values in this way: “The conventional moral terms of the age, the politician moralities — free world, people’s democracies — reflect realities poorly, if at all, and seem to function more as ruling myths than as descriptive principles.â€Â According to the FBI’s files, leaders of the SDS were heavily influenced by North Korea’s National Liberation Front and traveled to Cuba especially to receive training in methodology for their revolution. These extra radical members of the SDS called themselves the Weather Underground Organization (WUO). The Weathermen eventually shut down the SDS and devoted themselves to the WUO.This organization had as its final goal “the destruction of imperialism, the seizure of power, and the creation of socialismâ€Â in the U.S. Their method is best described in their own words: “We are part of a wave of revolutions sparked by the Black liberation struggle, by the death of Che (Guevara) in Bolivia in 1967, and by the people’s war in Vietnam. This period forged our belief in the revolutionary necessity of clandestine and armed struggle.â€Â The FBI report on the WUO cites a syndicated series by Georgie Anne Geyer and Keyes Beech that evidenced the ties between the WUO and foreign communist revolutionaries. “The Pattern is clear: Mark Rudd, fugitive leader of America’s violent left, visited Cuba in February and March of 1968 with 20 other activists of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Two months later, with Rudd at the helm, Columbia University was reduced to chaos. Bernadine Dhorn, mini-skirted Weatherwoman, and 30 fellow activists met with Vietnamese Communists in Liavana in July 1969. Three months later, with the fiery Bernadine in command, a shocked Chicago watched as several hundred ultra-radical Weathermen staged a wild, window-smashing rampage, which they called ‘Four Days of Rage’ in protest against the Vietnam War.â€Â In short, this organization was dedicated to the violent overthrow of the U.S. Government and the instatement of a communist system. So SDS/Weather Underground obviously had big plans. Whatever happened to them? There was no Hollywood style ending where the FBI busted down the door and apprehended all the leaders of the home grown terrorist cell. Quite the opposite, actually. In 1973, due to a Supreme Court decision that barred electronic surveillance without a court order and would have affected the prosecution cases, charges were dropped against many WUO members. According to Bill Ayers, one of the WUO’s leaders, the organization began to split in the late 1970s with some desiring to remain underground and some, including Ayers, wanting to come above ground and establish a more mainstream revolution. When President Carter granted amnesty to draft dodgers, many of Weathermen turned themselves in. Charges against Bill Ayers were dropped, Bernadine Dhorn paid a $15,000 fine and got three years of probation. Few Weather Underground Organization members have ever repented. And where are these members now? This is where it gets interesting. Bill Ayers is a professor of education and a Senior University Scholar at the University of Illinois. He has been deeply involved in education reform including founding the Chicago Annenburg Challenge to the board of which he elected Barack Obama. He also served with Obama on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago, the stated goal of which was “to increase opportunities for less advantaged people and communities in the metropolitan area, including the opportunity to shape decisions affecting them.â€Â When asked in an interview about whether he regretted his actions as a Weatherman, Ayers said, “I do not regret setting bombs; I feel we did not do enough.â€Â He defended his actions by saying they never intended for anyone to get hurt. In 2007, at an SDS reunion, Ayers encouraged his fellow activists that capitalism was in decline: “If you take the long view, empiricism is in decline. If you take the long view, there’s a lot to look forward to.â€Â The rest of his speech is advice on how to continue on in these days to establish the socialism he still dreams of. Bernadine Dhorn is married to Ayers. She is a professor at Northwestern University Law School and the Director of Children and Family Justice Center at Northwestern University. In the same 2007 SDS reunion, Dhorn praises her old associates by saying that, “My experience in the last ten years has been that the majority of people who were activists have stayed the course in a way, in a variety of ways. Devoted to throwing off everything hateful about this government and corporate structure.â€Â A little later in her speech, “I think that that’s still true today [that the “greatest purveyor of violence on this earth is my own country (Martin Luther King, Jr).] … We who are in the belly of the beast… have a special responsibility… of how to act here in the heart of the monster.â€Â Clearly then, they still hold the same radical revolutionary beliefs. They have not renounced the violence; they have just decided there are better ways to go about their goal. These are still passionately ideological people. The candidacy of Barack Obama was announced at the Ayers home in Chicago by former Illinois senator, Alice Palmer who, incidentally, was an executive board member of the U.S. Peace Council which describes itself as “anti-imperialist.â€Â Around the same time, she was also involved in a Communist Party USA splinter group: Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. Palmer hand picked Obama as her replacement in the Senate. Jeff Jones is now a consulting strategist, as his website motto states: “consulting for good causes.â€Â His website also has this to say: “So, as a teenager and young adult, I dedicated myself to supporting civil rights and opposing racism, and to ending the illegal and genocidal Vietnam War. I was personally enriched by participating in those movements and by the people I met, worked with, and loved in those years… That said, like most people my age, I made my share of mistakes. Today, I am using the organizing skills and insights I learned from those movements in my work as a consultant for environmental and labor groups. One is the New York State Apollo Alliance, an affiliate of National Apollo.â€Â Jones admits to having made some mistakes, but in the next sentence commits to the same ideological “insights.â€Â Interesting that he should mention the Apollo Alliance as one of the groups he is using his “organizing skills and insights [he] learned from those movementsâ€Â (SDS, WUO) Speaker Nancy Pelosi credited the Apollo Alliance for their help on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act makes an historic, job-creating investment in clean, efficient, American energy… That is why the Apollo Alliance coalition of many, many groups committed to energy independence for our country and reducing climate change has said this package is ‘big, bold and will serve as a down payment on long-neglected investments in a clean energy, good jobs, made-in-America economy.â€Â Finally, Wade Rathke was not a member of the Weather Underground, but he was an SDS member.  Rathke started the Association of Community Organization for Reform Now (Acorn). Rathke calls himself the “Chief Organizer.â€Â Interestingly enough, SDS defines themselves as organizers: “SDS is about being an organizer, not an activist… Activists are people who take action to make change in society. Organizers are activists who also work to bring many other people into movements. They help build organizations and spaces that engage and activate new people. As organizers, we try to meet people where they are, listen to their concerns, and help to amplify their voice … An organizer creates spaces for other people to become organizers – and the cycle continues until we win our campaigns and change the fundamental institutions of society.â€Â ACORN has been the center of much debate over their pecuniary ethics and voter registration work. One of their biggest controversies circulated around their involvement with Project Vote, a voter registration campaign with which a pre-presidential Barack Obama was heavily involved. As a 501(c) iii, Project Vote was not allowed to be biased in their activities. When ACORN was hired to do footwork for Project Vote, it was held by the same standards, but there are many indications that they did not acquiesce to these laws. There are many more examples of flat out voter FRAUD tied to ACORN, most notably during the election of President Obama. On top of these relationships, we have the President’s appointments: Donald Berwick – strongly supports socialized medicine, Anita Dunn – publicly praised communist dictator and genocidal maniac Mao Zedong as “one of the two people [she] turns to mostâ€Â, Van Jones – founded STORM (Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement), a communist organization that was as scary as it sounds. From “Reclaiming Revolution,â€Â STORM’s self-written history: “We upheld the Marxist critique of capitalist exploitation. We agreed with Lenin’s analysis of the state and the party. And we found inspiration and guidance in the insurgent revolutionaries developed by Third World revolutionaries like Mao [Zedong] and Amilcar Cabral.â€Â ______________________________________________________________________________ It is foolish and improvable to say that there is an organized conspiracy engineered by the hand of any man or group of people. What is obvious is that directly or indirectly, Mr. President has ties to some dangerous people: anti-capitalists, devout socialists, New Left terrorists, and self-proclaimed communists. These are the people that Barack Obama has not only surrounded himself with, but, in some cases, put in positions of power and influence. What does that say about the president? Submitted by Chris Johnson ===================================
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