Two years ago I went to the Values Voter Summit at the Hilton Washington in Washington DC.  All presidential candidates were invited irrespective of their party.  Though no Democrats accepted the invitation to speak, all nine or ten of the Republican candidates did including former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee former New York Governor Rudy Guiliani, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and Arizona Senator John McCain – to name a few. In the straw poll, I voted for John McCain because I believed that he was the person most apt to be a strong Commander in Chief. With mounting concerns regarding Islamofascism, I believed that he would truly have the guts, the experience, the clout to strengthen our military and to offer strong moral leadership both here and abroad. But then … He ran an incredibly weak campaign.  My eyes were opened as to why people like Mark Levin and Sean Hannity were so down on him. He wasn't a true conservative.  He was soft on immigration. He was responsible for the horrid legislation known as McCain-Feingold (recently overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court largely overturned McCain-Feingold even bringing President Obama's condemnation last evening). I saw Sen McCain's wife, Cindy, sharing an interview with him along the campaign trail.  I had a positive first impression. I had hoped that she would make a fine First Lady. I say all of this to say how thoroughly disappointed I am in John McCain and now particularly in Cindy McCain. "Cindy McCain poses for ad supporting Gay Marriage." How disheartening! See the article for yourself. Would she ever pose for an ad supporting adultery, fornication, group sex? Then why an ad for gay marriage? She has been around the track long enough to remember the word SIN. Homosexuality is sin! The consequences of it on this earth are spiritual, moral decline – natural consequences of societal decay. The older I get the more I clearly see that man is born into sin and in need of a Savior.   So many times we find people whom we think we can respect doing things, taking positions, fostering life-styles that rip apart, degrade and destroy time honored standards of decency and Biblical holiness. Thankfully, there are people that live their lives in ways that point you to honesty, integrity, purity, faithfulness. I know that to be true. My wife and I took a couple of elderly ladies out for lunch today celebrating their lives and their birthdays. One of them will be 93 tomorrow. The other will turn 89 in just a few days. Their lives are testaments of faithfulness and righteousness. To Cindy McCain: Within your many connections, there are bound to be some wonderful people that you have let down by your stand for perversion. May your heart yet be touched and you turn vocally and publicly away from endorsing a lifestyle that the Bible says is an abomination.
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