The Super Bowl and the Christian

By: Steve Huston

Hmmm.  This coming Sunday many of us will be doing what we do every Sunday.  Go to church. Worship the Lord.  Hear His word preached. Sing praises to His glorious Name.  Go to Sunday School.  Pray for the needs of our congregation and our friends, neighbors and relatives with special needs.

In the early evening, we’ll go back to church and worship God and hear His Word preached instead of gathering around a big screen to watch the Super Bowl in the Lord’s house.

I played six years of football.  I love football.  I was a phys ed major at Michigan State University in under grad years.  My Dad had season tickets for us at Michigan State University games.  We also attended many games together at the Big House in Ann Arbor, the University of Michigan.

Yeah.  I’ve been a football fan all of my life.  Do I believe a football game is inherently evil?  Of course not.  However, …

Truly, I believe that America has been turning its back upon God.

(1) His Word is diminished from personal lives (less spend time with Him in daily devotions).  (2) And often what we do know about His Word, we disobey.   (3) We have become a people that prostitute ourselves – selling our birth rights for lesser things:   materialism, godless entertainment, sports.

The Holiness of God is under attack

Super Bowl and the church.  What should be its place?  If you are a person that has read the Scriptures and studied it, do you think that the Holy God of Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Isaiah, Peter, John and Paul would find Super Bowl parties in place of worship services God-honoring?  No matter how nicely done or tasteful or whether it included a devotional at half-time. Obviously, I don’t think so.   Replacing worship with the Super Bowl may bring people in the doors, it may be fun and entertaining – but is it people-pleasing or God-pleasing?

Would Jesus tell us today “My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of – entertainment”?  [see Matthew 21:13]

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.  Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. [Romans 12:1,2]

As stated above, I am not condemning watching a football game.  I think it’s wonderful that millions will be exposed to Tim Tebow’s pro-life message.  However, I also believe that rationalizing any good may come as a result, is making excuses for placing the things of the world above the humble and reverent worship of God – placing our sinful wants and so-called “personal freedom” above pleasing the Lord.

Here are what a few others had to say:

Letter 1:


You are absolutely right about Superbowl – we need to pray diligently.  Pray that the Saints win!!!

Any youth group kids who hear about your “fun” ideas will instantly realize you are a dumbass.  My family and I are going to watch the game and if the commercials are funny, we will laugh.  If they aren’t, we won’t.  Just like last year and next year.  There’s no mystery here: watching a football game and sexy commercials won’t increase our chances of being tossed into the fiery pits of HELL – because it doesn’t exist.  They will, however, look good on my 47″ 1080p LED panel.  I can’t wait!

Have a great day!

Letter 2:

Thanks for the stand Bill.  Our church has turned the Super Bowl broadcast into a social, entertainment party.  It sickens me to the core of my soul.

“Oh, but we’re going to have a devotional during halftime,” the say.  It would be better to just cancel then entire evening service than to make a mockery of it.


Letter 3:

Good point, Bill. Why would we support godless advertising displays & vile corporate avarice by bringing such entertainment into our church facilities? Good call. Pastor Lowther

Letter 4:

Are you aware of the pro life message that is planned to air on the Super Bowl?  Are you aware that there are radical left wing anti-lifers trying to petition CBS not to show it?  Will you petition CBS to SHOW THE PROLIFE VIEW????

Letter 5:

The only good thing about this Superbowl is that millions will look at the choose life message.

Thanks for your message.


Letter 6:

I appreciate so much what you are saying.about the Super bowl and all the rotten stuff that the media puts before our eyes that we do not want to see. .Let me share that for many years my husband and I hosted a SuperBowl event at our church.  Rather than having ANY commercials…we blocked them ALL out and did our own commercials for local businesses in our area and at that time had drawings for give-a-ways items from that business.  We never watched ANY of the halftime of the game.  Instead at half-time we brought in a speaker…usually a former athlete who gave a testimony and shared the gospel.  This event was so successful and a great time for all ages.  Having worked for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes we felt this was a way to use sports to glorify God in our local church..  It also served as a GREAT outreach because people were willing to come to our church to watch the game…people that would not normally come to a church.  Once they were there, there was plenty of food, great fellowship, fun prizes, and they saw  Christians  having fun. It was an absolute JOY to host this event and not see ANY commercials or the halftime and instead witness God working in hearts using the vehicle of sports to influence individuals for a relationship with Christ!  Thanks for all you do and for all you stand for!

Dan and Debbie

Letter 7:


Super Bowl and churches
The Super Bowl is being played well after most people will have gone  to religious services earlier in the day. People NEED variety in  their lives and the Super Bowl and other sports activities provide  that. You mention the halftime shows – granted some in the past may  have been a problem but have you even given a thought about this  year’s activities? Yes, it the Who; a bunch of older rockers that  have learned their lesson and straightened themselves out. A youth  minister can use this as a teachable moment on how with the right  incentive (and that doesn’t have to end at religious salvation) one  can get themselves back on their feet. You don’t need or want to hammer people, especially the youth of today, with a one-source  answer; that will only turn them against you and the message trying  to be sent.

You worry about scantily clad women in commercials and reference the  GoDaddy commercials from years gone by. We don’t live in Saudi Arabia  and don’t have to wear burqas. You see no private parts. So things  are a little spicy – big deal! The world’s not going to end because  some skin is shown. You see more than that at the beach or an amusement park. But then again, you probably don’t go there. That  would entail having fun and that’s just not your thing. Maybe you’d  be happier being an Amish (no pride, no self identity, no phone, no  tv, no electronics, nothing and everybody dresses the same – but at  least they can cook very well!).


Letter 8:

In the past Family Life Today has offered a superbowl half time program for evangelizing everyone at the superbowl party.  In a large setting or even in the living room it can be planned to turn off comercials or Why not have christians contact the FCC with regards to offensive commercials shown and boycott the advertisers themselves. Law suits against offending advertisers could send a good message as well.

I am a native of Indianapolis.   Coach Tony Dungy former Colts coach and superbowl champion is a very strong christian role model as is Peyton Manning. Coach Caldwell. the Colts coach this year is a man to be admired.  To boycott the superbowl this year would be losing out on an opportunity to evangelize not to mention Pro life will be advertising  with the Tebow story.

Sometimes we need to take the muck the world gives us, find the good buried in it  and ask God by his grace to magnify it.  He did it on the cross, he can do it with the Superbowl. He takes death and out of it brings life.



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