A sign of the times even in the Victoria's Secret world. In this case, the closing of Victoria's Secret Beauty at the Rivertown Crossings Mall in Grandville, MI. We could show you a number of pictures from some of the models that have been displayed in earlier years by Victoria's Secret to egregiously market their wares, but we will spare you that. We don't rejoice over the financial falterings of any individual. However, when a corporation uses sexual things to attract business, we do urge people not to spend their monies with such companies. Victoria's Secret is one of those companies that has been over the top in their use of sexual store window displays, TV ads and the so-called Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. We believe that America is faltering because America has turned its back upon God.  American corporations that dishonor Him may prosper for a season, however, in the long run we believe they will not succeed. We believe this is especially true of individuals. God blesses those who obey Him and curses those who disobey Him.  This is old fashioned thinking, but it is Biblical!   Not politically correct, but true nonetheless.
To put this all in perspective, though Victoria's Secret Beauty has closed its doors,  Victoria's Secret Lingerie continues doing business.   How are they doing financially?  At this writing, we have no current information. As Christians, those of us who walk with Him by faith discover that He does chastise those He loves. Life is filled with trials and tribulations. God uses heartaches, sorrows, obstacles, financial falterings to get our attention. He wants us to heed His voice, to follow His ways and to quit living lives that are in discord – against His will. If we are into pornography, He finds ways to chastise us – yes, to hurt us that we will look to Him and turn from our wicked ways. Does He do that with large corporations – even corporations that seem to be thriving? Yes, He does. May each of us wake up. May Victoria's Secret wake up as well.  Placing images, television ads and pornographic fashion shows before millions of Americans goes against the standards and love of a Holy God. God is very gracious, but He also is Holy. He does chastise. He does and will judge.
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