What’s the use? Questions that deserve an answer!

By: Steve Huston

“Were going to be coming together on July 31 and August 1 here to discuss the battle against pornography.   What’s the use?”

Pornography on the Internet. Pornography on TV ads. Pornography at the checkout. Pornography in Cosmo.

What’s the use?

Our summer conference is coming up in 30 days!!! I ask 3 questions of one of our presenters – Steve Ensley, President of American Family Online (www.afo.net) – including “What’s the use?”

Steve’s answers three basic questions starting with the following:

#1 Question:

There is so much attention being paid to President Obama’s radical agenda and the great damage it is doing to our country.  I’m talking about his support of the homosexual lifestyle/agenda, pro-abortion, socialism, national health care, etc..

In the meantime, you would say that there is a cancer that’s eating away underneath it all – the cancer of pornography.
What is there about the nature of people and pornography that makes that so?

#1 Answer:

Some would say there is no simple answer and yet there is!  The root of pornography goes back to Adam and Eve.  They wanted no restrictions.  Our culture today wants no restrictions.  As a result the strong physical attraction between a man and a woman that God designed for procreation and mutual love is perverted into self-pleasuring without restriction.

What God designed as beautiful, holy and pure, our fallen nature has perverted into the base and corrupt.  We are all fallen and we are all tempted and only by the grace of God can we avoid turning something so beautiful into something so selfish.

What we have done in this country is turned our backs on the God that created the beauty and without Him in our hearts, His creation becomes something we abuse.  And as you say, it is the worst form of cancer, slowly eating away at our hearts and minds, starving our souls and leading to eternal death.  Also pornography is very visual.  God wired our minds to think in images.  We communicate best with images.

That is why movies, TV and other videos are so powerful.  Even the best novels are extremely good at creating word pictures in your mind.  This is why pornography has such a strong impact.  Because it is visual, it connects directly to our minds and appeals to our most basic pleasures, especially for men.

Before moving into question #2 – this word from me. If you feel the urge and/or need to be here, I urge you to quit putting it off. You won’t be disappointed!  Steve and Pat Trueman and Kenny Williams each bring powerful expertise and practical experience.

Make your reservation by contacting Kimberly at: kimberly@americandecency.org or calling 888-733-2326

#2 Question:
Were going to be coming together on July 31 and August 1 here to discuss the battle against pornography.
What’s the use?

#2 Answer:

There are two extremely critical reasons we should attend this conference (and others like it)!

First, if we do not arm ourselves with the information and knowledge that God is giving us through these conferences, then we are only sheep led to the slaughter along with all those around us.  We must be educated, aware and stand together to be the “church” for each other.  It is almost selfish to say “why even try”, we cannot do anything about what is happening anyway.   Even the smallest action for purity and for the sake of others does NOT go un-noticed by God.  A conference like this can be a mighty weapon for the battle against pornography that we face.

Second, although it may feel like we are losing the battle and that our efforts will not change anything, the real truth is that if we DO NOT stand against the evil, it will change us!  If not for our own sake, we need to take a stand for our children and grandchildren.  What will their world be like if we don’t?  What chance will they have to hear and see the truth if we give up.  If we love one another as Jesus commanded us to do, then we cannot stand by and allow the extreme pain, suffering and anguish caused by our our “anything goes” pornographic culture.  It is not love to stand timidly by and watch another person suffer when we can do something to help!

This battle will not be won in Washington or Lansing or any other capitol.  This battle needs to be fought and won in the hearts and minds our nation, our spouses, our children and our friends.  What makes this battle so difficult is we want to win hearts, not destroy them.  A conference like this one equips us to educate, encourage and win hearts that we touch every day.  Win the hearts of those you touch and Washington will be forced to follow!

Here are four additional thoughts on why we should all try to attend this conference:

The conference will equip us and educate us so that we may reach our goals of protecting and nurturing our families from pornography.

It is not fun to watch our nation destroyed by false pleasures and this conference will help us back onto the path of true joy as God designed.

There can be no peace in our lives if we do not take a stand and develop a strong backbone to live and fight for what is right and against this plaque.

It is the right thing to do!  We can sit back and try to ignore the tragedy or we can do what is right and join the battle.

#3 Question:

What word of exhortation would you give to those who care about this issue?

#3 Answer:

One of satan’s greatest weapons is to get us so busy we think we do not have time for a weekend conference.  Yet we find time for weekend soccer tournaments or cook outs , or a multitude of other activities.   There is nothing wrong with those activities, but they are only temporal.  What this conference will do is focus on the battle for eternal purposes.   How much more important  can anything be then our eternal destiny, not just our own destiny, but the destiny of those we love.  What kind of message do we send our loved ones when we attend a conference like this?  It sends the message that purity is important, that we care about purity, that we care about our country (and culture) and that most of all we care about our families!  A conference like this can equip and encourage us in very powerful ways.  Let’s choose the best for our families, not just the minimum.  Join us and together we will help and encourage each other!

Click here for details:

Make your reservation by contacting Kimberly at: kimberly@americandecency.org or calling 888-733-2326

Is our work useless? If you think the battle needs to go forward, show your support today!  If you have never given, your gift will be doubled today!

Thanks very much!


American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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