Over these years of opposing pornography there are many things that have stood out. One of these is how people from all walks of life can fall – morally/spiritually. Now we have the sad story of Tiger Woods. And, it is sad. There is a well known video/book that has been out a few years called "Every Young Man's Battle." Every man's battle is pornography the author proclaims. I'm not saying that Tiger Woods had a pornography problem, but I'm not saying he didn't either. Clearly he had a lust problem resulting in adultery. More often than not, pornography is a tool used along the way in an attempt to satisfy the craving of the flesh. I'm not writing to condemn Tiger Woods, but merely to say the following: Here is another incredibly gifted man who seemingly has it all – a worldwide top athlete, with earnings beyond the comprehensions of many of us, two beautiful young children, a wondrous home and a beautiful wife with a future that promises even more and more. Yet, it wasn't enough. Am I surprised? No. Not really. There was an even deeper need that wasn't met that couldn't even be satisfied by a beautiful wife, sex, million dollar home, children, world-renown, etc… It isn't his wife's fault – as Tiger has stated in his own words. I read the following this morning as I began my day: "Matthew Henry admonishes us: 'A foolish head and a filthy heart make persons an easy prey to seducers.'. If we would be discerning men and women, we must cultivate a pure heart and a wise mind through the study and application of Scripture. Meditating on things that are not true, good or beautiful makes us unable to recognize those things that are…'… " [Taken from Table Talk, Ligonier Ministries, daily reading, December 3] There is another thing I've learned in order to stand against the filth and corruption of this age. We TRULY need help. We need the help of the Lord. We need the LORD. Some will laugh and crow about the silliness, the old prudish thinking behind this. I must say that's what separates those who will be standing faithful at the end from those who fall into the beds of temptation. The Bible says from the book of Proverbs: "The fool has said in His heart there is no God." "For the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." It is wisdom that will give a person a humility of heart that helps lead him into wanting to know the path of life to walk. It is God and God alone that will fill the hole in a person's heart – including the heart of Tiger Woods. Pray for Tiger Woods that he would seek the Lord – that He would come to know the only One that can fill that hole in his heart. Pray for his wife as well. They are a needy couple right now. Their needs, however, won't ultimately be satisfied by more things, more rings, more monies, or more sex, but only by the touch of God within – His grace, mercy and salvation of their souls. If nothing changes within Tiger's heart, Matthew Henry's words will continue to apply: " 'A foolish head and a filthy heart make persons an easy prey to seducers.'. =========================== To support this ministry: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=donate/display9 =================================== If you are interested in "Every Young Man's Battle" see: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=store/display ====================== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson
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