Personal note:
Yesterday’s email was entitled: Superbowl Sunday and the Church.
It elicited a few responses:
Email #1:
That football has supplanted Church Services on Sunday is a terrible indictment of ‘christianity’!
That any sport should be more important than worship is a terrible indictment.
The U.S.A. is (we are) getting (politically) what we deserve!!
How can we complain about the behavior of other segments of society when we ourselves are not without fault??
I dont care for football, so I dont watch period.
I do like auto racing, but I dont watch on Sunday!!! I do like hockey but I don’t watch on Sunday!!
Glen Burnie Md 21061
Email #2:
I sent it out to everyone in my directory. I imagine that kind of presentation at half time would be very embarrassing to families with children watching together?? (The kids will probably get the idea “it’s OK, it”s sports.)
Thanks for all you do .
Sun City West, AZ
Email #3
Watching THE GAME is not the same as ‘partying’….would you take all types of entertainment away. TURN OFF THE TV @ 1/2 time….get something to eat, be a controlled Christian. Asking the marketers and advertisers to pull back the filth of the commercials etc and then NOT watching is not supporting their efforts. Our family loves sports, we encourage our children to play and watch….what does your family do?
My response to the question “What does your family do?”
I love football. I played it throughout Junior High and High School. Made all conference as an end. My Dad took me to many University of Michigan football games and we had season passes to Michigan State University for at least two seasons during my high school football years.
But, I have been disgusted by what the Superbowl has become. I nor my family have had any interest in it for many years. The Superbowl carries with it a lot of baggage. Case in point:
(in addition to the advertising and half-time trysts) —
Road to Super Bowl XLIII flanked by 43 strip clubs
“… Claudia says she’s worked four previous Super Bowls and expects to make as much as $2,000 a day performing at 2001 Odyssey. Most clubs treat the dancers as independent contractors who pay a flat fee to the house and keep the rest.
‘It’s so crazy, everybody is in a such a party mood,’ she says. ‘It’s a whole new level of everything.’
The clubs have been busy auditioning more dancers and upgrading their interiors. Some will stay open 24 hours.
The Tampa Tribune helpfully added a feature to its Web site listing the 43 strip clubs and allowing Super Bowl visitors to search for such information as the cover charge and dress code. …”
See also my comments on American Family Radio regarding advertiser GoDaddy:
American Decency Association
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