The perversity of ABC’s “Cougar Town” & its sponsors

By: American Decency Staff

cougarAdvertisers include Campbell’s, KFC, Subway, Hewlett Packard. See contact list below — Earlier in the week we made you aware of the perversity of ABC’s “Cougar Townâ€Â.    The lead character, played by Courtney Cox, recently divorced and in her forties, is trying to recapture her so-called “lost youthâ€Â by reverting to adolescent and pathetic behavior – partying, binge drinking, sex with young guys. She bemoans with her friends that she missed out on all of those “funâ€Â times.  And what was the horrible, terrible thing that kept her from enjoying a wild, promiscuous lifestyle in her twenties?  Motherhood.  She complains that she got married and had a baby at the age of 22, implying that ruined her life. The blessing of children and motherhood is portrayed several times as a burden throughout this episode.  A neighbor friend who has a young baby refers to her child as “my stupid babyâ€Â because he kept her awake during the night.  Later she calls her baby “this idiotâ€Â and says she refused to smile at her baby for three weeks because she was afraid smiling at her son would cause wrinkles around her mouth! Interspersed with this self-possessed and demeaning portrayal of motherhood are crude, sexual references – even though the main character didn’t take a guy to bed in this episode because she’s now decided she should date a guy for 10 dates before having sex.  Ten whole dates!  What horrible messages this show sends – binge drinking is great fun, sex is meaningless, and motherhood is a horrible burden. Attached is a list of advertisers who sponsored these themes.  Advertisers include Campbell’s, KFC, Subway, Hewlett Packard. ======================== For your information: Sears did not advertise on "Cougar Town" last night as they did the week before!  Your communications DID make a difference! —————— A special thanks to all of you who gave to the match challenge that we have mentioned over these months!  We are greatly blessed and significantly helped! ==================================== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050

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