Every now and then a special person comes into your life that impacts you in a very special way. I'm referring to my dear friend Loretta Detamore, former head of Morality in Media of Muskegon. I first met Loretta at one of her first White Ribbon Against Pornography events in Muskegon, Michigan. The year was probably 1987.  During these many years of committed service, MIM of Muskegon, led by Loretta Detamore (1923-2009), fought valiantly to drive out pornography from Muskegon in this west Michigan community. MIM of Muskegon hosted many events with featured speakers as Alan Sears (currently President of Alliance Defense Fund), Robert Peters (President of Morality in Media, New York City), Bruce Taylor, one of America's foremost attorneys effectively combating pornography in the courts (formerly a prosecutor with the Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Section at the Justice Department), Richard Thompson, former Oakland County Prosecutor (MI) and currently Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, Phil Burress, head of Citizens for Community Values, Cincinnati, Ohio, Art Ally, President of Timothy Plan (Maitland, FL) and many others. I, too, was extended such an opportunity to speak at one of her dinners. On numerous occasions, Loretta and I met with Tony Tague, Muskegon County Prosecutor, urging him to pick up his efforts against pornography. Through the efforts of Morality in Media, they drove out Studio Blue that had existed in Muskegon for many years. But, what I especially admired about Loretta was the burden that she so clearly carried for her country. For many years Loretta labored tirelessly for decency. I highly regarded her love of children and her desire to protect them from the insidious nature of pornography. She hungered and thirsted for righteousness, fearing that American was going to hell and lamenting the lethargy of the church community around her. She would state things like "I can't hardly find a church or a pastor or a priest to stand up and speak up against pornography." "Where are the young people? We're growing old around here. We have these dinners and it's only the older ones that show up. We're busy, too. The younger parents – where are they?" "These prosecutors. They say one thing and do another. Thankfully there are a few that will enforce the law." For many years, Loretta, would host WRAP (White Ribbons Against Pornography) car caravans through the city, receiving significant press coverage – hosting press conferences and spring and fall dinners). She built significant community awareness regarding the plague of pornography in America and in her community.
As the years went by, her team was aging. Yet still she fought on until she was 84 years old when at her last public event she presented me for the American Decency Association with a beautiful "White Ribbon Against Pornography" as she urged me to keep up the fight for MIM of Muskegon in West Michigan and beyond. Jan and I last visited her about 6 months ago. She was lying down when we came into her room in a retirement home. She bounced right up with that characteristic charming spirit of hers. One of the first questions coming out of her mouth was "How is the war going? I think of you so often. I miss you!" I went to Loretta's visitation yesterday in Muskegon and visited with her husband Bill. I said to Bill Detamore "What a wonderful woman." He said "I know," and he tried unsucessfully to hold back tears. "62 years we were married," he said. The funeral was today. Loretta is gone. However, my memory and love for her will never fade away as long as I live. I can think of only a few others that have that kind of caring, zeal, love of children and country who fight pornography. Knowing Loretta as I do, she didn't accomplish nearly as much as she would have liked to have in her campaign against pornography. But, my guess is that there are a lot of people who were impacted by her life as mine has been impacted. Was it worth it – all of the years of tireless labor standing up for children, purity, decency, righteousness? Going against the tide year after year as she did? In my book, the answer is clear. I'll miss this dear old saint. Loretta was 86 years old. May I use this moment to urge you on as Loretta urged me on. Never give up. There is a battle being fought. It is worth it. I hope I'm still fighting the fight of faith in my 80s as my friend, Alice "Loretta" Detamore click here: ==================================== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson
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