We express a lot of angst throughout the year regarding the attacks of Satan upon our culture and shed light upon the fact that so many are willing participants in assisting the devil in doing his work of deception, corruption, moral and spiritual pollution, destruction, death. On this day I want to lift up Thanksgiving. Thanks be to God for His amazing grace in raising up America so many years ago and for the forefathers that He endowed America with and for the way He led them to work out a Constitution that has worked so well for many years. How dismayed they would be to see our country under so much attack by Satan and his multiple minions today – including his minions in Washington, D.C.. I'm thankful that there are warriors that are scholarly and able communicators trying to call America back to its Constitutional roots. Many more could be listed but just to name a few: Mark Levin, Mat Staver (author of "Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto"), Pat Trueman, Sarah Palin, Gary Bauer, Michelle Bachmann, Tony Perkins, Jim Dobson, Don Wildmon. This is a very short list but I'm sure it gets your thoughts and juices going. Nonetheless, the point is that I'm thankful to God for His great grace in America, for our foundations, for our rich history, for the fact that there are still wonderful soldiers fighting on in difficult arenas. But, I'm thankful, too, for people fighting in smaller arenas – like the arenas of their homes – for the glory and honor of God with their children and marriages – staying in and under the Scripture in their faithfulness to Him and staying true to Him in the manner in which they conduct their lives including their financial decisions, their bodies, their tongues, their thought life. As I gather around our Thanksgiving table tomorrow (our numbers will be very small this year), we will be praying out of hearts of thankfulness that God has kept His hand on America over these many years. Nothing surprises Him. That no matter what, He cares for His own and will sustain them – now and throughout the battles of every day life and forever more. ============== To support this ministry: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=donate/display9 American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson
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