MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR JULY 31 through August 2 and look for the specifics to follow in the weeks ahead!
Pat Trueman needs no introduction to those of us who have been in the fight against the onslaught of pornography since the late 1980s leading right up to the present time.
As an attorney, he led a core of other Federal Prosecutors to put behind bars some of America’s pornography “kingpins” including Reuben Sturman who was known as the number one pornography “kingpin” in the United States.
With these words, we announce an important opportunity to hear one of America’s most influential anti-pornography leaders.
We are losing the battle for decency in America. However, here is an individual who has answered the call so faithfully and remains committed to the fight for decency.
One of Satan’s great devices is discouraging Christians and neutralizing them one by one. He rejoices when they just wring their hands and do nothing. He rejoices when they don’t attend informative gatherings, rallies, worship services, conferences and seminars.
I urge you to mark your calendar today and bring others to the ADA summer conference against pornography.
Pat Trueman has fought the fight of faith working at the Justice Department followed by close working relationships with many of America’s largest ministries including American Family Association, Family Research Counsil, Alliance Defense Fund and others.
We have invited Mr. Trueman to come to give us a fuller understanding of the battle against pornography and to give us opportunity to seek his counsel on what we can and should be doing to combat the plague of pornography.
In March, we reported on the nomination of David Ogden by President Obama as second in command at the U.S. Justice Department. Mr. Ogden was approved by the Senate by a vote of 65 to 28.
As commentator Robert Knight reported recently:
“ … Under President Obama, it was expected that porn pushers might find a sympathetic ear, given the smut industry’s generous support of liberal politicians and causes.
But the fox is no longer circling the henhouse. He’s made it inside. On March 12, the ‘world’s greatest deliberative body,’ the U.S. Senate, voted 65 to 28 to elevate porn attorney David Ogden to be deputy attorney general.
Eleven senators from the ‘Party of Family Values’ (Lamar Alexander, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Judd Gregg, Jon Kyl, Richard Lugar, presidential nominee John McCain, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter and George Voinovich) joined a nearly unanimous Democrat roster (minus Robert Casey of Pennsylvania) in deciding that a man who defended child pornography during the Clinton years, as well as hard-core porn producers, plus Playboy and Penthouse, is suited to be the No. 2 law enforcer in the nation. …”
There’s more. Mr. Ogden has backed the intrusion of international law into American courts, the ‘right’ of protesters to trespass on private property, the use of ‘compassion’ to override ‘precedent and logic and he has filed several briefs seeking to limit enforcement of the death penalty. His briefs are littered with junk science that was specifically designed to undermine cultural norms.
As deputy attorney general, Mr. Ogden will be sworn to defend the Constitution and the laws of the United States. That will be a tall order for someone who has spent years inventing novel legal arguments in pursuit of a far-left social agenda.”
[Robert Knight is a senior writer at Coral Ridge Ministries and a senior fellow at the American Civil Rights Union.]
‘Who’s next?’ asks columnist Janet LaRue (and former chief counsel of Concerned Women for America).
‘Jack Kevorkian as Surgeon General?’ …
David Ogden is the last man who should be Deputy Attorney General.
According to Pat Trueman, former head of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Enforcement Section (CEOS) at the Justice Department, ‘Ogden was selected by President Obama precisely because he’s on the radical left side of all these legal issues that are so prominent: homosexuality, abortion, and pornography. … This was not an accidental appointment.’
Ogden, according to Trueman, was nominated for the number-two position to help promote and provide legal protection on those issues.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR JULY 31 through August 2 and look for the specifics to follow in the weeks ahead!
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American Decency Association
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ph: 231-924-4050
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