Recent interviews regarding the Superbowl and the church

By: Chris Johnson

Pesonal note:

We are in a spiritual war as perhaps never before (for many of us aged 70 or less – greatest generation experienced Hitler, etc.).

God wants our worship, our hearts, our lives. Whatever you or I do with things like the Superbowl, we need to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness as we proceed. I wouldn’t begin to try to dictate what anyone should do, but I can at least call out to say “Christian – be Christian!”

Superbowl Sunday and the Church

What began as the championship game between two competing football leagues in 1967 has since become an American entertainment extravaganza. The transition from championship football game to cultural event was engineered by the corporate world as it realized, and continues to realize, the tremendous marketing opportunities afforded by broadening the appeal of the event. With its broadened appeal, many churches saw the Super Bowl as a great opportunity for evangelism and have hosted Super Bowl parties for this purpose. …

Activist: Use caution during Super Bowl commercials

“… In a recent email alert, Bill Johnson, president of the American Decency Association, outlined the history of the Super Bowl as a championship football game to a cultural event. The pro-family activist said while the halftime shows have toned down since the infamous 2004 “wardrobe malfunction” incident with Janet Jackson, churches hosting Super Bowl Parties must be on guard against allowing inappropriate material to be seen by members — especially during commercial breaks. …”

Super Bowl Ads 2009

The Super Bowl is this weekend and just as many watch for the commercials as they do for the game. In the recent past, however, those commercials and half-time entertainment have given parents reasons to reconsider making the Super Bowl a family event. Bill Johnson, President of the American Decency Association, has a brief preview of advertisements anticipated this year, and offers some ideas on how families and church gatherings can cope with what has become an onslaught of sexual and scatological imagery. Listen |

GoDaddy’s Super Bowl ads already under fire
With the Super Bowl approaching, television commercials are already under scrutiny.

Sunday’s game in Tampa, Florida, features the AFC champion Pittsburgh Steelers against the NFC champion Phoenix Cardinals. The annual event, which determines the National Football League champion, draws perhaps the largest viewing audience of any sports event in the world — thereby attracting advertisers who spend large amounts of revenue in what has become an unofficial competition among the commercials, some of which have pushed the envelope on decency.

The Superbowl and the church

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