Personal note:
I read several accounts regarding President Barack Obama’s visit to Notre Dame University yesterday (Sunday) to give the commencement address to the 2009 graduates and to receive an Honorary Law Degree.
The Associated Press was the first mainstream media account I encountered covering Mr. Obama’s message.
I also looked for another point of view and received the following email report from
One of the recurring themes of this report is that the President has a penchant for saying one thing (very convincingly) while doing another.
With sadness and concern, I echo that observation. He has an incredible ability to persuade the masses. How else can we explain even Christians (at least in name) voting for Mr. Obama while he was a candidate though he was clearly and staunchly pro-abortion.
Pray for Christians to wake up. Also, pray for President Obama as we are directed by God in the Bible to pray for our leaders.
South Bend, IN ( —
After weeks of intense opposition and controversy surrounding President Barack Obama’s commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame, Obama did what many observers expected him to do. He attempted to seek middle ground in the abortion debate and covered up his extensive pro-abortion record. Obama’s speech began with another expected turn of events — hecklers. As Obama began his graduation speech by thanking Notre Dame officials, a handful of pro-life advocates in the crowd stood up one by one and urged the president to reform his pro-abortion views. Four people, including Joseph Landry and Andrew Beacham, shouted “abortion is murder” and “stop killing babies” before being escorted from the auditorium by security officials. Once the president waded into the section of his speech reserved for abortion, Obama retreated to his pre-election rhetoric and sophistry by expressing a yen for a middle ground on abortion.
Obama related a story about how a Christian, pro-life doctor emailed him about a comment on his web site saying Obama should “speak about this issue in fair-minded words.” Obama said “fair-minded words” were missing from the abortion debate and that, while he “didn’t change my position” on abortion after hearing from the physician, he rededicated himself to finding “common ground” on abortion. But Benjamin Clapper, the director of Louisiana Right to Life, told after the speech that Obama has not been dedicating to finding common ground or using “fair-minded words” since becoming president. He said, “President Obama is saying one thing and doing another. By requiring the taxpayer funding of abortion overseas and embryonic stem cell research, President Obama’s actions are anything but ‘fair-minded.’
“In addition, it is expected that President Obama will include taxpayer funded abortions in his upcoming health care reform legislation. By forcing every American to fund abortion in health care, President Obama undermines any attempt to find common ground on the issue of abortion,” Clapper added.
Clapper also pointed out that President Obama’s new federal budget calls for forcing Americans to pay for abortions using taxpayer dollars.
“We implore President Obama to find some common ground by not expanding abortion through our tax dollars,” he said.
Editor’s note:
This report was also filed by yesterday. Again, the continued concern of eloquently saying one thing and doing another.
Obama Seeks Abortion Conscience Rights at Notre Dame, But He’s Repealing Law South Bend, IN ( — President Barack Obama used his commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame on Sunday to call for conscience rights for physicians on abortion. However, his administration has already proposed overturning a measure President Bush put in place to uphold three conscience laws. After relating to the audience a story about how a pro-life, Christian doctor emailed him about rhetoric Obama used on his campaign web site, Obama expressed a desire [for] common ground on abortion. “I said a prayer that night that I might extend the same presumption of good faith to others that the doctor had extended to me,” Obama said. One of the ways Obama told the Notre Dame graduates that common ground could be put in place is by putting forward conscience laws on abortion. “Let’s honor the conscience of those who disagree with abortion, and draft a sensible conscience clause, and make sure that all of our health care policies are grounded in clear ethics and sound science, as well as respect for the equality of women,” Obama said. But, in listening to Obama’s speech, bioethics attorney Wesley J. Smith was struck by Obama’s esurient desire to be seen as moderate on abortion yet taking hypocritical actions. “I was reminded of how adept Obama is in saying one thing while doing just the opposite; such as claiming in his speech to support a conscience clause for health professionals on the issue of abortion,” he said. “Obama–or at least his administration (is there a difference?) plans to revoke the Bush conscience clause, not revise it. That is hardly honoring heterodox thinkers’ consciences,” Smith added.
Full story at
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