There are women who sincerely desire to live in a way that pleases and honors God – it shows, too, in their ways – including the way they dress. The need for sound, faithful teaching, preaching, discipling, modeling will never end until Jesus comes again. Sex Has a Price Tag – Powerful message but one concern. —————– I ordered the one (DVD) designed for church use and watched the video. I am 56 years old with 2 grown children. I have worked with the youth for several years and still interact with them now. The video was an eye opener, was very candid and our teenagers need what she has to say. I have passed it along to our youth leader for him to view before he shows it. I do have one problem with the video though. The setting was at a Catholic school I think and on the front row were mostly girls. Most of the girls had so little on so as to show most of their legs. One in particular must of had shorts on that were so short that on first glance you would think she had nothing on. Some had skirts so short that I am glad they kept their legs crossed. When they scanned the group and it was often I had to keep looking away so I would not be so embarrassed. Why did she use this particular setting when no telling how many teenage boys will see it and I dare say the marjority will be glad to see so much bare leg. Many will focus on that and not the message which they so desperately need. I almost did not give it to our youth leader because of this. Don't know how to pass on my concerns to her so I am telling them to you. T.D. ======================== The individual above expresses appreciation for the powerful DVD by Pam Stenzel – "Sex Has a Price Tag." This individual expresses a concern, however. He expresses concern about the scantily clad nature of several of the girls in the listening audience – a Catholic school. Yes. I know what the writer is saying here. It is difficult not to notice the shortness of skirts. I would say this. This is what Stenzel faces when she speaks across this nation and across America. That's what we contend with too. Without Biblical preaching and teaching from pulpits of America, without teaching, instruction, discipleship, discipline from our homes, immodest to even erotic dress is becoming increasingly prevalent. Then with programs like "Desperate Housewives" so popularized – cleavage, cleavage, cleavage – increasing numbers of girls, women – even middle aged women slide into showing that which should be covered. I was reading out of Dr. J. Vernon McGee's Commentary on II Samuel 11 this morning regarding David and Bathsheba. McGee certainly took David to task but he also raised the question – What was Bathsheba doing bathing in a public place anyway? He then went on to comment upon the need for women not to be a tool of Satan in the way they dress: alluring, titillating. As a friend of this ministry once said "Some women realize full well what they are doing when they dress a particular way while others are truly naive. David: The man after God's own heart fell. Even David. God could have left this dark stain out of the Bible, but He didn't. If David can fall any of us can. There are women who sincerely desire to live in a way that pleases and honors God – it shows, too, in their ways – including the way they dress. The need for sound, faithful teaching, preaching, discipling, modeling will never end until Jesus comes again. Do all you can to teach, educate, model – proclaim "holiness without which no man shall see the Lord." We all need it. Bill ===================== Here are some of Pam Stenzel's comments as she opens her message. I came here today so that none of you will be able to leave this auditorium and ever again be able to say to a physician, to a counselor, to a future husband or wife "nobody ever told me. I didn't know." If you've had sex outside of a permanent marriage relationship, you will pay. There is a cost. No one has ever had sex outside of the context or marriage without paying a price. The question you have to ask tonight though, is this: "What is the cost and is it worth it?" I speak and travel all over the US and internationally to ¼ million teenagers every year and have learned a tremendous amount, Before I began speaking full time, I spent nine years working at a Pregnancy Counseling Center. I began to ask the girls in my office, what could we have said before you made your choice that might of helped you make a better choice? After nine years I realized that there were a lot of teenagers out there who were making choices about sex and had absolutely no idea about what the consequences were. I want you to understand that I don't come here today to make a choice for you and I don't intend to. I can't go on all you dates. I don't have time. I can't choose for you. As much as we would like to, we can't put you in a box until you are 24. All we can do is love you and tell the truth, and hope you make the right choices. My goal today is that none of you here will ever again be able to say to a physician, pregnancy counselor, future husband or wife, "Nobody told me." What you choose to do after today is up to you. God created sex. It's awesome. It's not a terrible thing we can't talk about in a Catholic school. God created sex. God wants you to have great sex. It was his idea, not yours. But God created sex with boundaries. It's awesome when it is within boundaries. But when it happens outside of boundaries, it's horribly, horribly destructive. Pam asks the teenagers: "What's the context or boundary God created with sex?" They answer: "Marriage." Pam says: "That's the right answer, but most of you don't believe this. God did not create sex for love. He created sex for one context only, marriage for a lifetime. I love the law of God. I delight in the law of God: 1. It protects – no one gets hurts who follows His laws 2. It's simple, not complicated. Everyone can understand it. It is not hard. Either you are married or you are not married. …. ************************************************************** The inpact of the media upon our children makes them so vulnerable. The promotion of the Stenzel video is a great fit for our ministry concern. Order Pam Stenzel video tapes online Stenzel's message ministers. Help us do all we can to build into our youth wisdom regarding sexual things. Order the Pam Stenzel video today. [There is also a public school version available on request.] We do take credit card orders. 1-888-733-2326 Mail us a check, cash or money order for $20.00 and we'll send one to you asap. It's a powerful video tape of Pam Stenzel presenting before a group of Christian high schoolers in California. Stenzel worked in a pregnancy crisis center for 9 years. She lovingly tells the story of the damage done by unbiblical sexuality. (fornication, sex before marriage) She also shares of God's great love. To order online: American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050
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