Pornography Awareness Week: Many tots watch 32 hours of TV a week

By: American Decency Staff

Personal note: televisionAs I complete the last of this series of accounts of pornography and its desensitizing and destructive impact, I want to again thank each person that forthrightly shared their account.  I'm sure that for some of you it brought up the old feelings of pain and hurt and suffering.  Thank you!  I have no doubt that God will use it to remind and warn others. I would also say that we've had more unsubscribers than usual.  I'll let you draw your own conclusions. Before I share a few remaining accounts, I saw the following headline earlier in the week.  The headine was entitled: Many tots watch 32 hours of TV a week Study: Television viewing by kids 2 to 11 is at its highest since 1995 The MSNBC article started off by saying: "NEW YORK – It's not called the electronic baby sitter for nothing. The Nielsen Co. says in a study released Monday that children ages 2 to 5 watch more than 32 hours of television each week. Kids 6 to 11 spend a little less time in front of a TV screen — more than 28 hours. But that's partly because they have to go to school. …" This is where the battle begins. So very few people are careful about what they put before their own eyes let alone their children. Tiny tots averaging 32 hours of TV a week.   How can God honor a nation that does not honor Him? Over the years I occasionally would hear people say "How can the Lord not judge our country when we allow so much filth to flow over our airwaves?"  They marveled at the peace and prosperity that continued on and on. Until recent months and years that is.  Has God lifted His hand of protection from America?  This question is probably better answered by theologians and Bible scholars but from my perspective I can only say that certainly He has every right to lift His hand of protection off from a people who have gone a whoring. I am burdened for our children and young people. Pornography Awareness Week — October 25 through November 1. It is a battle that must be fought whether any one stands with us or not.  I personally am going to contact a county prosecutor early next week and set up an appointment with him to talk about the issue of pornography in his county.  I hope to report on this in the weeks ahead. In the meantime, may God help each of us to love Him so much that we will say in our own hearts and lives "How can I say I love you and yet watch things that are displeasing and dishonoring to you?" By God's grace, we will detest being a betrayer of the very One who created us and gives us life each and every day! Here are a few accounts to complete the week: Email #1: I am in my mid fifties now. For most of my life, I was 'in the flesh'. If it led to an orgasm, I was all for it. That included porn via magazines, movies, videos, peep-shows, bars and other venues. I had convinced myself that if it felt good, it was OK to engage in. This included cross-dressing, diapers and sex toys. Several times, I got rid of everything, only to buy more. This addiction cost me my first marriage and family. In 2000, I met a lady that accepted me as I was and did not try to change me. But the devil still had a firm grip on my flesh. My self-indulgent behavior continued until May 5, 2007. At about 10:40 in the morning, Jesus broke the devils hold on me and took all desire for such things away from me. That day, I started wearing guy underwear again. This may sound strange coming from someone who accepted Jesus when he was 12. You see, I had accepted Him as my savior but not as my Lord. ———————————- Email #2: Only to say that a marriage and family counselor said that viewing porn elicits a chemical reaction in the brain that makes it addictive at least for men. I was in a high school before I saw a picture of a naked woman, but I remember that event!  Paul said that all other sin other than sexual was outside the body. And Job said he made a covenant with his eyes. Email #3: Hello and thank you for this awareness on Porn.  I went on your website to vote on the poll about porn and frankly was blown away that 7.7% (Editor's note: Now it is up 48% after going a few days with only one response but outside efforts have elevated those numbers as it jumped very quickly in a matter of hours a couple of days ago) of people said that porn does not destroy.  Have they had their heads in the sand and are NOT listening to the devastation and destruction that porn has on a person's life.  Yeah, they might not have personally been affected by it, but they have to know of someone who has.  These 7.7% I would personally love to know what good comes out of porn?  Just name one thing.  Every e-mail I have read are true facts and how IT does destroy lives.  Another sad part about this sin is it is passed down to their children.  Like any other sin and addiction if you don't get a handle on it, damage will be done to the next generation and so on.  Getting a handle on it doesn't mean trying it alone, you need help.  We need people in out life, God did not call us to be an island unto ourselves.  I heard a professor say one time "maybe you really don't believe God is omni-present, because why is it so hard when your wife and kids leave the home to stay "pure" while they are gone".  Thank you again for this awareness this week and also for your organization! Email #4: Bill I don't think I have been personally hurt by pornography, but that is what I checked on the poll. Frankly, this sinner doesn't need any help!! Michigan Significant Scripture verses in my life: Psalm 101:3a: "I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless." Job 31:1 “I have made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I gaze at a virgin?" Peter 1:15,16 "but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct,since it is written, 'You shall be holy, for I am holy.'â€Â Matthew 18:6 "but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." Romans 12:1,2 "I appeal to you therefore, brothers,  by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world,  but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Poll results: Does pornography victimize? 40 –     30.3%    Yes. Without a doubt. I know because I have been damaged by pornography. 44 –     33.3%    Yes. Though I personally havent been damaged those close to me have been. 48 –     36.4%    No. Pornography doesnt destroy. Whats porn to someone like you is art to another. ======================== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050

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