“Please Don’t Pervert Marriage”

By: Chris Johnson

Someone faxed to me the following on a single sheet in bold letters:

“Please Don’t Pervert Marriage”

“Every citizen in the world needs to know that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because the people there PERVERTED marriage.”

I’m posting it on our webpage today.
Just caring enough! We need to ask God for His grace.

My wife spoke to a manager at a local grocery store a few years ago expressing distaste and disappointment that a local store (part of a chain) was selling Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

The manager suggested she call corporate headquarters. Through that conversation and a few conversations with corporate, this chain D&W (based in west Michigan) discontinued the sale of Sports Illustrated in its roughly 20 stores.

Sometimes it comes down to just caring enough to express in a Christlike way our concern for the harm and damage of godlessness.

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American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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