Last night at Bible study a couple was drinking a Pepsi. We entered into a discussion of how PepsiCo has veered off course. This couple had no idea! It's been quite a number of months since we have seen PepsiCo align so staunchly behind the homosexual agenda. And, inspite of the significant boycott efforts of our friends AFA (and others), PepsiCo continues to thumb its nose at untold numbers – certainly at least hundreds of thousands. Then, they took another step into perversion with their IPhone application! PepsiCo & their IPhone app giving guys tips on picking up girls for sex. See yesterday's email: And now their response letter (quoting): Dear … Thank you for contacting us regarding the AMP iPhone application. After reading your comments, it's apparent that you were upset by this promotion, and we appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. The AMP application is only available to iPhone users 17 years and older who choose to opt in to the experience. It was designed to be entertaining and appeal to a select audience of AMP energy drink consumers. Again, thank you for writing. Please know that I promise to share your feedback with the brand team and that we do appreciate hearing your candid and sincere thoughts. Max Jabbonsky Consumer Relations Representative 012148619A The response from one of our readers states the concern well: Quoting: Morality and respect for women should not stop at the age of 16, nor should the disrespect of women or lack of morality be considered "entertaining" at any age. I am so disappointed in your company. ================================ Contact PepsiCo and let them know their products will no longer be found in your shopping cart. PepsiCo products include Pepsi soft drinks, Frito-Lay chips, Quaker Oats, Tropicana, and Gatorade. 700 Anderson Hill Rd. Mrs. Indra Nooyi, Chairman and CEO Purchase, NY 10577-1444 Phone: 914-253-2000 Fax: 914-253-2070 Email: – Lynn Tyson, Senior Vice President, Investor Relations email: email form: Remember if not you, who will speak up? There are people like the writer below who also apparently has deadened his heart and soul to God and His call for him to pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. [Hebrews 12:14] He wrote these words to me this afternoon. Your absurd rants about the lack of Victorian "decency" sometimes provide me a lighter moment in the otherwise dismal battles you pursue in your constant war on sex and sexuality. Thanks for that. The pervading sadness in your arguments is your use of children as dramatic screens to hide behind. You try to conceal your denigrated view of sex behind your alarmist shouting about harm to children. The real terror is about you, not children. But, of course, your world view claims to silence the nightmares. Guaranteed. ———– My few words: Yeah. I DO care about children! My children, my grandchildren and yours. It is becoming increasingly difficult to raise little ones and teens in a day of the legitimization of oral sex, sex with anyone, anytime, anyhow, young or old – devoid of love, commitment, in the context of a Biblical marriage – one man and one woman – for better for worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health – til death do us part. Alarmist? This poor soul will be alarmed at that day when there will be great gnashing of teeth, darkness and eternal heat. May God have mercy upon him. ==================================== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050
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