Pat Trueman: ADA featured speaker for July conference

By: Chris Johnson

Personal note:

With all of the concerning news on so many fronts, we sought to have a time-tested warrior in the fight against pornography for our featured speaker at ADA’s 2nd annual summer activist conference.

Pat Trueman graciously accepted our invitation to speak on the weekend of July 24, 25.

Pat Trueman IS the former head of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Enforcement Section at the Justice Department in Washington DC. Pat will provide a first hand report of victories that have been fought and won under his leadership and the changing tide of recent years He will also update us on the appointment of David Ogden (pornography attorney) to the number two post at the Justice Department and so much more.

Mark your calendar!

Many received the following comments from Pat regarding “sexting” and the engagement of the ACLU to do what the ACLU often times tries to do: erode principles and standards that protect.


Here is the ACLU attempting to exonerate kids for producing and distributing child pornography – claiming they have a First Amendment right to do so! So-called “sexting” poses a dilemma for law enforcement because, of course, legislatures did not envision sexting by kids in passing child pornography laws years ago. No, they could never have envisioned our pornified culture where children are so steeped in porn that the production and distribution of child pornography by children would be commonplace. If we want to see sexting come to an end, I suggest we enforce the law. Yes, this will mean that some guilty children will be punished (although, as juveniles, punishment will be relatively light). But the law is a great teacher and word will spread that there are consequences to law breaking. Imagine what the world will be like if the ACLU has its way – when these child porn producers/distributors move to adulthood. What activities will be commonplace to them then? Pat Trueman

ACLU sues Wyoming County DA over threat of charges for sexting

More information about our July conference is forthcoming including information regarding overnight accommodations, maps, reservations.

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American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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