Miss USA stirs controversy

By: Chris Johnson

“The Internet was buzzing Monday about a Miss USA controversy.

First runner-up Carrie Prejean (Miss California) was asked about legalizing same-sex marriage from judge Perez Hilton, the Internet blogger behind perezhilton.com.

‘I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody there. But that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be,’ Prejean said during Sunday night’s live telecast.

“… Prejean added that her answer ‘did cost me my crown,’ but said: ‘I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I said what I feel. I stated an opinion that was true to myself, and that’s all I can do. …'”

Personal note:

I deeply appreciate Prejeans stand, but it is far more than just what she feels or what I feel is right or wrong. Read on!
This past weekend my youngest son got married to his sweetheart of the last 3 1/2 years. It was a Christian marriage in song, Scripture, spiritual message, processional, etc.

There was no confusion on who is to fulfill the male role and who is to fulfill the female role – sexually. There is no role confusion between them. They have not become confused by the politically correct lies being jammed down the throats of their generation and this culture.

Of course, it really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the basics.

The male’s sexual body part and the female’s sexual body part are different. God has divinely ordained that it would be so. God’s ordination of marriage came in the beginning (for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see with the capability of having spiritual receptivity and even a modicum of spiritual understanding).

In recent days I read the following in response to the irrational, tyranical push and shove of the Iowa Supreme Court. Below is an indepth rational discussion regarding the Biblical, logical basis of Biblical marriage contrasted against Satan’s lie – same sex marriage.

It is written by Tony Nassif
Cedars Cultural and Educational Foundation

Here are some of the ways that homosexuality and homosexual marriage testifies against itself.

1. NATURE REPUDIATES HOMOSEXUALITY: The lifestyle is rejected by nature prohibiting its reproduction. Homosexual behavior nullifies the function of the reproductive organs designed exclusively for heterosexual behavior.

2. HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR IMMITATES HETEROSEXUAL BEHAVIOR: The two participants in homosexual behavior actually testify of the exclusivity of heterosexual behavior because even homosexual behavior one portrays the male and the other the female.

3. THE SPIRITUAL DYNAMIC: God curses the life style. He calls for repentance and restoration.

THE COMMANDMENT BEFORE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: Even before the Ten Commandments there was the first commandment given by God to Adam (a man) and Eve (a woman).”Go forth and replenish the earth”.
Homosexuality cannot replenish the earth. Nature and nature’s God denies homosexuals the blessing and ability to reproduce and replenish the earth. He gives this command, promise and blessing only to the union between a man and woman. …”

To read it in its entirety.

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American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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