Personal note:
Life. The Christian life. It’s a war; a spiritual war filled with difficult choices – the battle between the flesh and the spirit.
There are ages and stages of maturity. Some of us have sat under thoroughly Biblical preaching and teaching. Others of us have sat under feel good compromised “preaching” that does not expose sin, our sin. Some of us have gifts of discernment. Others are gifted as encouragers, etc., etc..
Carrie Prejean spoke up, knowing that by standing for Biblical marriage it would cost her the crown of Miss USA.
I believe that God is and will bless her stance for His righteousness on this front. I have and do applaud her courage.
Before I even wrote recent emails applauding Miss Prejean stand, I viewed a clip of her in the Miss USA pageant in her bikini doing the erotic pageant strut and posturing that accompanies being a contestant in a beauty pagent.
One man stated the concern this way: “I’d like to ask one thing. Did Miss California parade around on stage in the bathing suit? If so, why didn’t she stand up alone and not show her body like that? If she is a Christian then the modesty should have been an issue as well. Just a thought…”
Another stated it this manner: “Uh, there seems to be a problem with consistency. Good for Miss California – but what about the competition she was in, in the first place.
I saw coverage on the Fox news network, and no matter which show it was on they kept showing footage of her parading around in the tiniest of white bikinis. She could have been a model for Victoria’s Secret. Seems a problem for me to have her stumbling lots of brothers and setting a poor example of modesty for young girls. We really need to be consistent.”
These folks are thinking Biblically and graciously calling me out to do likewise.
Yes. I highly regard Carrie Prejean! She has been powerfully used by God for such a time as this. However, as a Christian, such a public display of eroticism and immodesty is not God honoring.
I share the view of the writer above “Seems a problem for me to have her stumbling lots of brothers and setting a poor example of modesty for young girls. We really need to be consistent.”
Lastly, as we proceed into the summer months, we produce a bulletin insert for churches usually entitled something like:
“Immodesty in the church.”
We promote nationally noted speaker and author Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ booklet and cd series “The Look – Does God really care what I wear?”
“Nancy Leigh DeMoss challenges Christians to ask themselves tough questions: Who decides what I will wear and why? What message does my clothing communicate? And, how can I reflect the glory of God in my wardrobe?
Biblical, practical and motivating, “The Look” challenges women (young or older), parents, and teens to discover the Truth about clothing and modesty, and to make choices based on God’s eternal perspective.”
Lastly, there is much more that could be said. As a Christian man for over 25 years now, I have opposed pornography of all varieties from Playboy, Penthouse, to Cosmopolitan and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, to Victoria’s Secret ads on television and their window displays to sex shops and strip clubs.
It has been my personal view that the power of images of scantily clad women like Carrie Prejean does untold damage for it is highly alluring, sexually stirring and incites lust.
I applaud Miss Prejean but I also would urge her as a Christian brother to seek God’s face and the counsel of mature brothers and sisters in the Lord regarding these serious concerns.
Bill Johnson, President
American Decency Association
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Bill Johnson, President
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