Keeping pornography behind the counters (at the least)

By: American Decency Staff

Bill JohnsonPornography destroys is the one theme I have played out since the inception of this ministry. Because I came into this work in the mid-80s when there was a viable public stand against pornography, I believed as a young man in my 30s that it was possible to drive back pornography – to keep it – at the very least – behind the counter. Yeah. That's right – behind the counter because that's largely where it was in most communities. A number of things I have learned since those naive years early in the fight are the following (to name just a few). (1) What the Bible says is true!  Man is born in sin. His heart is exceedingly wicked.  Indeed, we are in need of a Savior to restore us into right relationship with our Creator and Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ. (2) Broad is the way that leads to destruction. Narrow is the way that leads to eternal life.  In other words, there are few that ultimately are saved out of this darkness.  Not because I say it is so but because God in His Word makes it clear that that is the way it is. (3) I believe there are many phonies.  They say they want to live pure lives and lead wholesome godly lives. One of my greatest shocks has been to see how many of these have fallen into gross sin: doctors, lawyers, pastors, priests, judges, a federal prosecutor, teachers, law makers, a President of the U.S., school principals and superintendents, etc. (4) How little societal will there has been in fighting against pornography.  And, I would say that I saw this right at the beginning of my efforts to oppose pornography.  The church has been my largest disappointment as it has been far and few between the churches that have taken a clear and strong stand against pornography.  Looking at the points above, however, it is consistent.  Just because a person goes to church doesn't make him a true believer. (5) I truly believe that those saved will and do show evidences (sometimes steady evidences) of bearing the mark of salvation upon them.  Far from perfect (because believers are sinners, too) yet progressing. (6) I have seen how the church goes so goes the culture. If the pursuit of holiness is not on the radar screen for the church, it's certainly not going to be for the culture and it isn't and hasn't been for years. Barna wrote in his book "Boiling Point" back in 2000 that less that 1% of church goers polled named holiness as one of the important Christian character qualities. (7) This world really isn't our home after all. Again this is what the Bible says.  Christians are pilgrims in a foreign land.  America is a foreign land.  Our residency will be in Heaven.  In the meantime, we are to be taking our marching orders from Him – how to live, how to treat one another, how to suffer, how to flee sexual temptation, how to live lives pleasing and honoring to Him – the Lord Jesus Christ. (8) We are called to suffer.  Suffering is part and parcel of the Christian life – including persecution.  Christ says "They hated me they will hate you too."  Why? Because we are lights in a dark world and rebellious ones – God haters – hate light.  They hate those who oppose perversion (homosexuality, fornication, adultery, same-sex marriage, abortion, pornography). (9) God uses suffering to refine us – to make us more like Him. One of my favorite verses comes from I Peter 1:7-9 "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:  Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:  Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls." (10) Though I do believe that at some point in men's lives that pornography is "every man's battle" I also believe that men can have great personal victory over pornography!!!  I believe that with all of my heart because I have experienced that victory for a long time.  It is possible not to lust.  There – I said it. Christ does bring victory and by His grace and through His Holy Spirit He can and does set the captive free. Is this rare?  I don't know.  I do know other men who say the same thing. In closing, Satan will continue to use pornography to wreck lives, marriages, families and a culture.  There are so many willing participants in the distribution of pornography.  It makes it increasingly difficult. More needs to be said about this victory in Christ over pornography. Much more could be said and I hope to say it. Stay tuned. ===================== To support this ministry: American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050

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