Keep yourselves “unspotted from the world.”

By: Steve Huston

Somewhere in the Scripture it says pure Christianity is to care for the widow and the orphan and keep yourself unspotted from the world.

The actual verse is from James 1:27:  “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”open_bible

I was watching briefly yesterday very briefly a little sketch.  I believe it was on NBC’s morning show.  The woman host was belittling the Bible as she wore her shortish skirt and cleavage bearing top.
I thought of a message recently given by a guest ministry who in his preaching stated that we can be well known on earth but if we are not known by our Father in Heaven then that’s the choice that we make, and one day we’ll live with the consequences of our choice(s).

Eternally separated from God and yet known on earth as a famous rock star, politician or world class athlete.

As Christians, we are called to live our lives for the glory and honor of God not for the lust of man as we show off our legs, breasts, athletic, sexual prowess.

Day by day doing little things – hardly noticeable to a watching world yet God notices as we do it unto Him.

I think of a lady who I saw at a nursing home nearby in action there.  Day after day – week after week – year after year – she went there to feed her  husband with alzheimers. She dipped a sponge (spoon) into food and inserted it into his mouth – patiently.  Though loved ones said the health care professionals  could do it she wanted to make sure that he wasn’t fed hastily but could get as much feeding as possible – backed by wife’s loving touch.

What a model of love – for better for worse for richer for poorer.  I’ll never, ever forget her faithfulness, her integrity, her love, her Christlike character.
She’s one of my heroes.

Demeaning the Bible isn’t a very wise thing to do.  It’s the very Word of God and it sheds forth great wisdom that when read and prayerfully obeyed changes attitudes, actions, character.

America’s in serious decline because there are more chasing after man’s approval than God’s.


Check out our webpage in the days ahead.  After being hacked and losing nearly everything we’re building back up.  Make sure, too, to spend some time viewing our videos from our recent conference.  As we show them – one by one – we archive them so that you can view them at your convenience.


Lastly,  help push us over the top on our $15,000 match grant challenge especially designed for those of you who have never given.

We are trying to update our latest tally but due to a medical need of our friend and colleague, Kimberly, we are running a little behind.  (We are a little over $10,000 at last count.   Kimberly has been out for a week due to healing and restoration.  Prayers for Kim would be appreciated.

Here are the details of the match grant:

1.  it must be new money-from someone who hasn’t given in 2008 or 2009.   Or, any amount given in 2009 which was more than what someone gave in 2008.  E.g. donor gives $400 in 2008 but cumulatively gives $1000 in 2009 by the end of the match period, we will match $600
2.  we will match up to $15,000
3.  the funds must be received between June 15 and September 30.

American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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