Just when you start to think Victoria’s Secret is toning down …

By: American Decency Staff

Personal note: I was disappointed to see the Victoria's Secret displays at our local mall last week at Rivertown Crossings Mall, Grandville, Michigan. Disclaimer: DSC05065 SAMPLE LETTER TO VICTORIA'S SECRET Dear Modesty, public civility and decency remain character qualities that millions of American mothers and fathers uphold and strive to instill in their children. We cherish our youth. We work hard to provide good examples, attempting to teach them to discern between good and bad – right and wrong – decent and indecent. We are alarmed, undermined, and upset when we take our family to the local mall and are confronted with incredibly aggressive sexual advertising on Victoria's Secret window and wall displays. Your public advertisements are offensive. I urge you to discontinue your use of erotic, pornographic wall and window displays in mall stores, in your publications, and television ads.  I await your response as I determine the course of action I anticipate having to take. Sincerely, ============== Contact information: Victoria's Secret Sharen Turney, President and CEO 4 Limited Pkwy. East Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Phone: 614-577-7000 Fax: 614-577-7844 email: http://www2.victoriassecret.com/html/custsrvc/contact/comments/ Email service@victoriassecret.com General Growth Properties Mr. John Bucksbaum, Chairman of the Board 110 N. Wacker Dr. Chicago, IL 60606 Telephone: 312-960-5000 Email: John.Bucksbaum@ggp.com http://www.ggp.com/Contactus.aspx Also: Email: Rivertown Crossings Mall (greater Grand Rapids, Michigan area) Mr. Randy Zimmerman RiverTown Crossings 3700 RiverTown Parkway Grandville, Michigan 49418 616.257.5000 Randy.Zimmerman@ggp.com http://www.rivertowncrossings.com/contact-us General Growth Properties has approximately 208 mall entities located from California to Maine. For a full list of General Growth Properties locations see: http://www.ggp.com/Index.asp =========================== The Limited (owns Victoria's Secret, Bath & Body Works, White Barn Candle Company, Express) Leslie Wexner, CEO Three Limited Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 800-756-4449 ================================= Match Grant Totals: Received as of 9/23/09 – $14,202.38 95% complete Needed $797.62 Match Grant Challenge – with 7 days yet to go. Here are the details of this important challenge. 1. it must be new money-from someone who hasn't given in 2008 or 2009. Or, any amount given in 2009 which was more than what someone gave in 2008. E.g. donor gives $400 in 2008 but cumulatively gives $1000 in 2009 by the end of the match period, we will match $600 2. we will match up to $15,000 3. the funds must be received between June 15 and September 30. https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=donate/display9 ————– American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph:231-924-4050 fax:231-924-1966 www.americandecency.org http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson

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