How can baring it all on a public beach be pleasing to God and to His people?

By: Steve Huston

Yesterday we reported about Key West City Commissioners considering a nude beach.

We provided the news link from CBS Channel 4 (South Florida), provided a few comments and also contact information for the Key West Mayor, City Manager and City Commissioners.

It angered some. It angered some so much that they attacked our polling question (overloading it thousands and thousands of times).They also hacked the computer server hosting our site.One person wrote the following. It is a person who receives our daily emails. Unbelievably he wrote:

“This e-mail has nothing to do with indecency. I am not ashamed to be naked and present my body (God’s Temple) in a clean manner. Fools. Stop sending me mail …”

I simply responded to him the following:”Is parading around nude on a public beach presenting your body (God’s Temple) in a clean manner?”Then I complied with his request and unsubscribed him. I wrote: “You are UNSUBSCRIBED as requested.”

Is hacking and taking down one’s website as was done effectively for several hours today an example of the free speech those who oppose us tout? Yet, so often it is people from their camp that say conservative CHRISTIANS like me are intolerant.

Excuse me?

Father God: Help us to be people who love you so much that it is our desire to live for you – pursuing peace with all and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. [Hebrews 12:14]. In Christ’s glorious name. Amen.

Finally, by writing this email urging you and others to speak up for time-honored standards of decency at the beach – the public beach, we are speaking up for Biblical standards – for God’s standards.

What will be the impact if we bow to godless practices of baring it all on public beaches? Is this to become America?

Godlessness. Lasciviousness, fornication on our beaches with no shame, no guilt, no sense of wrong.

Some would have us shut our mouths. I urge you not to. See our email alert from yesterday and response to the action item at the bottom.



McPherson, Morgan 305-809-3840

City Manager
Scholl, Jim 305-809-3888

City Commissioners

Gibson, Barry District 4 305-809-3841

Johnston, Teri District 5 305-809-3841

Lopez, Clayton District 6 305-294-8729

Pais, Joe District 3 305-809-3844

Rossi, Mark District 2 305-296-7050

Verge, Bill District 1 305-809-3844

Mailing address for the above:

City of Key West
525 Angela Street
Key West FL 33040


Match Grant update —

We received another $600 towards it today!

Over $3,600 have been raised at this date. $11,400 yet needed to reach the goal!

Do you stand with us and have never given a gift? Right now would be a great time!!!! It will be matched dollar for dollar.

1. it must be new money–from someone who hasn’t given in 2008 or 2009. Or, any amount given in 2009 which was more than what someone gave in 2008. E.g. donor gives $400 in 2008 but cumulatively gives $1000 in 2009 by the end of the match period, we will match $600

2. we will match up to $15,000

3. the funds must be received between June 15 and September 30.


American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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American Decency Association
P.O.Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
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