Hate evil. Love good. Expose darkness. Be salt and light …

By: American Decency Staff

salt and lightAnother year is coming rapidly to an end!   There’s a “whole lot of shakin’ going onâ€Â as the old song used to say.   That seems to be true on many fronts today.  It’s unsettling, to say the least.   What does this all mean?  Where are we heading? I don’t pretend to have the answers, but this I know:  man does not have the answers.  Only with the help of God are we going to be able to recover not only from the financial slide but more importantly the moral/spiritual slide that has a death hold on America right now! So in the midst of a time like this what can American Decency Association do to make a difference? What we’ve done from the very beginning back in 1987:  Hate evil.  Love good.  Expose darkness.  Be salt and light.  Call God’s people to pursue holiness (without which no man shall see the Lord).   Fight the fight of faith.  Be faithful and true to Him and to those around us.   Be men and women of God who love His Word and, by the grace of God, walk in His ways.    Be a ministry of integrity in our handling of gifts received and monies spent. Review our emails, newsletters, and website!  We believe you have seen the above in and through our ministry again this past year. However, will this effort make a difference?  Will we drive “Cougar Townâ€Â or “American Dadâ€Â off the air?  Will we influence Victoria’s Secret to truly tone down their advertising approach and their yearly “fashion showâ€Â?  Not too likely.  What ministry – large or small – is having such an impact?  Unfortunately, not one, and that’s not to demean any one of us doing ministry in this way!   God calls and leads us into such ministry, and He uses us to accomplish His purposes.  His ways are not our ways.    Yet, He uses us as His instruments to warn, exhort, convict, remind, encourage, strengthen, build up.  Often we aren’t even aware of the way in which God has taken and used us.  Much could be said about this, but this is not the time. In all my years of leading this ministry I have never been more acutely aware of the serious financial shortfall so many are experiencing in America right now and particularly in my home state of Michigan.  It is with great concern and humbleness of heart that I write this letter in the closing weeks of 2009. I’m under no illusions.   It’s tough going for most in these days.   My best word is that I would just ask you to ask God if this is a ministry that He would have you support now and in the coming year.   If you believe He would, please support us with as generous a gift as possible to complete this year. Solid December support has always been key to this ministry.  This year is no exception.  This December we have no match challenge to extend to you having met a challenging summer match grant of $15,000.   Yet, I would like to ask you to help us reach a goal of $50,000 for December!   With God’s grace and help, together we can reach this realistic figure and be strengthened as we begin what promises to be a year of significant embattlement! And so, in closing I want to take this moment to thank you for standing with us.  You are important to us.   God bless and keep you in His care and service! Please help us meet a goal of $50,000 for December, helping to set us on good financial ground as we begin a new year of ministry.   You can make an online donation at https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=donate/display9 or mail a donation to the address below. Thanks for giving prayerful consideration, dear friend, to this year-end request.   May God continue to bless you, keep you, and uphold you in His great care and service both now and as He gives you breath. Sincerely, Bill Johnson, president To make a year-end donation to help us go forward in the fight for decency, click on the link below to donate online: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=donate/display9 To mail a year-end donation, send your gift to: American Decency Association P.O. Box 202 Fremont MI 49412 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. ==================================== Solid December support has always been key to this ministry.  This year is no exception.  This December we have no match challenge to extend to you having met a challenging summer match grant of $15,000.   Yet, I would like to ask you to help us reach a goal of $50,000 for December!   With God's grace and help, together we can reach this realistic figure and be strengthened as we begin what promises to be a year of significant embattlement! Through yesterday, we have received gifts totaling $15,500.00 toward our goal! ======== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson

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