Hardees back at it again –

By: Steve Huston

Personal note:

Apparently, Hardees will never learn. They are back at it again with several of their degrading ads.

Though this time Hardees ad isn’t visually explicit, the words and innuendo are loaded with sexual nuance.

It features their new “Biscuit holes.”

In one of several of their new ads, the announcer says:  “We are introducing a new item at Hardees called Biscuit Holes.  Can you think of a better name for them?”

Then various customers individually name them using such verbiage as:

b holes
a holes
Goody balls
sweet balls
tasty nuts
dingle balls
biscatles (as in testicles)

Quoting Hardees closing:

“They sound wrong but taste so right.

In review

Hardee’s is a hamburger business catering to family yet they
consistently have used sex to try to sell their product.

In further review:

(1) Hardee’s (Carl’s Jr.) featured Hugh Hefner as a poster celebrity.
Despite numerous communications from numbers of you in late 2003,
they obviously haven’t been impacted (long term) by our expressions of concern nor that of other pro-decency organizations who also have shed light upon Hardee’s pornographic advertising trends.

(2) Hardee’s also used an erotic ad featuring a mechanical bull and a scantily clad female.

(3) In 2005, Hardee’s used a pornographic ad featuring Paris Hilton
exerting sleazy movements to market hamburgers at their “family” restaurants.

(4) February 28,2006, A friend of this ministry notified us of yet another sexualized online Hardee’s ad (also a television ad).
The ad featured a very scantily clad erotic waitress and a young
male leering at the waitresses body parts. The waitress, of course,
moving provocatively as the camera focuses on her body parts.

(5) September 18, 2007 — Hardees pornographic ad featured a scantily clad blond rolling on the floor “advertising” patty melt featuring sexualized movements,  eroticized chewing, the invitation to run your fingers through her hair, to touch her ….
Pornography, again, is defined by Websters as material created for the purposes of eliciting a sexual response.  Thus, the description of the ad as a pornographic ad.

Personal note:
We personally have avoided Hardee’s since 2003. This information
further strengthens our view that Hardee’s is not worthy of our
purchasing dollars.

Some of you will recall that the CEO, Mr. Andrew Puzder, was
personally responding to our emails regarding the pressure that he was experiencing over their Paris Hilton ads.

Try his email address below.

Contact CKE Restaurants
Call and leave a voice message at:
1-877-799-STAR (7827

CKE Restaurants, Inc.
Andrew Puzder, CEO and President
6307 Carpinteria Avenue, Suite A
Carpinteria, CA 93013
Toll Free: 800-422-4141
Email: pr@ckr.com


Survey question from last week:

Question: (2009-06-26 – 6-29)

Fighting against pornography is a difficult battle! Would you (or do you currently financially support such ministries)?
87.5% Yes. Pornography is like a death producing cancer. If it isn’t opposed it spreads.
12.5% No. What good does it do? It’s going to spread no matter what you do.
0.0% Not much. I’ll throw a few dollars at such a ministry here and there when I can.

Do you stand with us and have never given a gift?
Right now is the time to give!!!!
It will be matched dollar for dollar.

1.  it must be new money–from someone who hasn’t given in 2008 or 2009.   Or, any amount given in 2009 which was more than what someone gave in 2008.  E.g. donor gives $400 in 2008 but cumulatively gives $1000 in 2009 by the end of the match period, we will match $600
2.  we will match up to $15,000
3.  the funds must be received between June 15 and September 30.


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American Decency Association
P.O.Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
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