“Gossip Girl” – advertisers promote every parent’s nightmare

By: American Decency Staff

imagesWe all know television is a virtual wasteland – both cable and network channels.  In order to “pick our battlesâ€Â and narrow our focus, most of our television monitoring has tracked programming on the main networks – CBS, ABC, NBC, and FOX.   However, one cable channel, the CW network, has built a reputation for a lineup of sleazy programs geared toward teens and young adults.  Shows on the CW network include tawdry, sex-filled soaps such as remakes of Melrose Place and Beverly Hills 90210 as well as a number of other lewd shows.  One such program on the CW network is “Gossip Girlâ€Â. The theme of “Gossip Girlâ€Â revolves around the sexual exploits and high school drama of upper-class New York City teens.    Teenage promiscuity, illicit sex void of meaning or consequence, is common fare on “Gossip Girlâ€Â.  The network has even arrogantly advertised “Gossip Girlâ€Â with promos showing  sexually provocative scenes along with tag lines such as “Every Parent’s Nightmareâ€Â, and “Mind-Blowingly Inappropriateâ€Â.  And sadly, the show lives up to these adverse claims – and then some. More recently, the CW network has been promoting last night’s episode, pushing the limits even further with a repulsive storyline of a “threesomeâ€Â between teens.    The two girls and a guy, college freshmen, are shown living by their self-expressed credo, “college is for experimentingâ€Â while they worked through a written list of ‘life-experiences’ that viewers are taught are ‘most-dos’ for teens.  The list went from wild drinking games to repulsive group sex.   Without getting too graphic, the lewdly explicit scene depicted repugnant images of girl-girl kissing and the guy taking turns with the two girls, concluding with the three in bed together. The CW network (a joint venture between CBS and Warner Brothers) without regard for the harm they cause, foist these irresponsible themes upon impressionable youth!   They sell “coolâ€Â in the form of underage, out-of-control drinking, recreational sex with no physical or emotional consequences, and vile pornographic acts.   Group sex – a theme you might expect to find in hard-core videos – has made its way to television and on a show geared toward teens! Recently on the conservative Sean Hannity show I heard a discussion among a panel of guest commentators about irresponsible shows such as “Gossip Girlâ€Â and their harm to our youth.  While concern was expressed, I couldn’t believe how little indignation was shown.  The consensus was that parents should just turn the channel.  Well, turning the channel won’t help the millions of teens who don’t have concerned, involved parents.  Are these youth not deserving of protecting from the damaging influence of such content?  Where is the outrage that this disgusting material is even broadcast over the public airwaves?? If outrage isn’t expressed, such graphic themes will become common fare on television.  Please contact the advertisers and let them know you will not support companies that undermine the welfare of our youth with their advertising dollars. The sponsors of last night’s group sex scene include Verizon Wireless, Apple Computers, K-Mart, Old Navy, Reebok, AT&T Dove soap, Chap Stick, Burlington Coat Factory, Dr. Pepper, AT &T, Motorola  and numerous others. To see the complete list of advertisers go to our website at: http://www.americandecency.org/archives/advertisers-for-cws-gossip-girls/#more-2616 ==================================== To support this ministry: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=donate/display9 American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson

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