Easy answers? An email action point? Not this time.

By: Chris Johnson

A look at Britain. It’s not difficult to see America in this news article below – countries that have lost their way.


LONDON – Ahhh, Britain. The land of Shakespeare and the Beatles, Churchill and the Queen. Rolling green hills, groovy London shops, hip plaids splashed over raincoats and umbrellas.

Cut to the reality of 2009: the highest teen pregnancy rate in western Europe, a binge drinking culture that leaves drunk teens splayed out in the streets and rising knife crime that has turned some pub fights into deadly affairs.

Ahhh, Britain. …

Sir Bernard Ingham, once press secretary to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, told the Associated Press that people from across Britain’s political spectrum are in despair over the country’s social breakdown.

‘It’s an indication that we’ve lost our way, that people don’t know the difference between right and wrong,’ … . “The plain fact is society can’t proceed on this basis. I think this is an indication of broken Britain.’ …”

Note further these words by one of America’s foremost Christian thinkers, theologians, authors, influencers of the 20th Century.

“Having turned away from the knowledge given by God, the Christian influence on the whole culture has been lost. In Europe, including England, it took many years — in the United States only a few decades. In the United States, in the short span from the twenties to the sixties, we have seen a complete shift. Ours is a post-Christian world in which Christianity, not only in the number of Christians but in cultural emphasis and cultural result, is no longer the consensus or ethos of our society.

Do not take this lightly! It is a horrible thing for a man like myself to look back and see my country and my culture go down the drain in my own lifetime. It is a horrible thing that sixty years ago you could move across this country and almost everyone even non-Christians, would have known what the Gospel was. A horrible thing that fifty to sixty years ago our culture was built on the Christian consensus, and now this is no longer the case.

Once again I would refer to Romans 1:21,22: “although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. …

Man is justly under the wrath of the God who really exists and who deals with men on the basis of his character; and if the justice of that wrath is obvious concerning any generation it is our own. Wrath may come either in the cause and effect of the turning wheels of history, or in the direct action of God.

There is only one perspective we can have of the post-Christian world of our generation: an understanding that our culture and our country deserves to be under the wrath of God. It will not do to say the United States is God’s country in some special way. It will not do to cover up the difference between the consensus today and the Christian consensus that prevailed sixty years ago [my note: now 85 years ago]. The last few generations have trampled upon the truth of the Bible and all those truths have brought forth. …”
[Taken from “The Great Evangelical Disaster,” written by the late Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer in 1984, a Crossway Book]

In conclusion:
Some of you activists will seek an action point at this juncture: an email to write, etc.. If only it were so easy.

Perhaps that is one of the reasons for the great success of the movie “Fireproof.” It is about a godless couple who were heading toward disaster. The remedy in this inspirational movie is the only remedy for America, a wayward people – repentance and a faithful obedience to God – long term.

Where are each of us at with God and the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you know Him? Are you seeking to live for Him in sincerity, truth and obedience?

Easy answers? An email action point? Not this time. Much, much more is needed to head us off from destruction.

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