“Nearly 65,000 people have signed an online petition protesting President Obama’s scheduled commencement address at the University of Notre Dame, citing the president’s views on abortion and stem cell research that ‘directly contradict’ Roman Catholic teachings.”
Please sign the petition here: http://notredamescandal.com/
Personal note:
Yesterday we reported that Notre Dame University invited President Obama to give the Commencement address on May 17 at Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana.
Foxnews shed some significant light upon this concern in an article yesterday.
I encourage you to read it, call the Notre Dame President’s office – filing your concern – sign the online petition and circulate this email to others. And, most importantly pray, and yourself avoid hypocrisy thereby leading others astray as NDU is doing at this present hour.
Here is a portion of the Fox article:
” … In a statement issued Monday, the Rev. John Jenkins, Notre Dame’s president, said Obama will be honored as an ‘inspiring leader’ at the commencement.
‘Of course, this does not mean we support all of his positions,’ Jenkins said. ‘The invitation to President Obama to be our Commencement speaker should not be taken as condoning or endorsing his positions on specific issues regarding the protection of human life, including abortion and embryonic stem cell research. Yet, we see his visit as a basis for further positive engagement.’
But Ralph McInerny, a philosophy professor at Notre Dame for more than 50 years, likened the invitation as a ‘deliberate thumbing of the collective nose’ at the Roman Catholic Church.
‘By inviting Barack Obama to be the 2009 commencement speaker, Notre Dame has forfeited its right to call itself a Catholic university,’ McInerny wrote in a column for The Catholic Thing. ‘It invites an official rebuke. May it come.'”
Contact information:
Notre Dame University
Fr. John Jenkins
317 Main Building
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Ph: 574-631-5000
Fax: 574-631-2770
email: http://president.nd.edu/contact-us/
What others are saying:
Email #1
Thanks for this. The news has been making the rounds within Catholic circles for Catholic Christians who are living and practicing the faith which Christ handed down to us through His apostles. It is extremely upsetting to me (and many of my friends) that a so-called Catholic University is spotlighting a president who is clearly pro-abortion, pro- culture-of-death, etc…
It’s no wonder that other countries mock us and find it hard to believe that we say we are a Christian nation!
Obviously, we are all sinners and all fall short of the glory of God, but as Christians we must stand firm and uphold Christian values so as not to lead others into sin.
News such as this has me on my knees praying for God’s mercy on us all and asking forgiveness for the ways in which I’ve lead others into sin in my past. We all need to be seeking the Lord’s guidance and fasting/praying for change within the Christian community.
God bless you,
Email #2
You can also email Father Jenkins at
I have indeed emailed him and I am getting ready to call also.
In Him,
Email #3
I just called Notre Dame University. Thanks for the info. They took my name and number and said someone may be getting in touch with me.
Email #4
I cannot believe what I am hearing! Are you rebelling against all that is Godly? How in the world can you even consider inviting the most pro-death, pro-abortion president ever to be elected to speak at your commencement?
Do you not realize the credibility it gives that man and his immoral ideology when a prestigious organization like Notre Dame asks him to speak. This is just absolutely incredible!
Apparently it is all about money for you and the board or some flawed sense of social justice. Well here is what you will get. You will never get another dime from me and I will personally launch a campaign at our church and community to block any support for your school or your agenda!
You think Catholics have a black eye from the priest scandal? How in the world will you explain this to God when you face Him. This man has already taken every step he can to protect abortion. He now plans to support FOCA and you invite him to speak at a Catholic University! This man, his agenda and history are evil and you just invited him into your house! May God have mercy on your soul! If there is any justice in this world, you will be fired! I pray that you will be removed from a position of power so that you can no longer destroy the young minds put in your charge.
Maybe you think I am closed minded, but in truth you are the one with the closed mind. Closed to what is good and right in the eyes of God. Obama is neither good nor right! Yes I pray for him and his conversion, but I do not pray for his evil agenda which you just furthered by inviting him to speak! As you can tell I am very upset by your decision. Although I doubt you will be influenced, I have no choice but to take a stand against you and your flawed decision. I have to answer to the same God some day and I will not be asked why I did not do something about the murder of his most innocent children!
Please by all that is Holy stop this egregious event from happening!
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