Cosmopolitan: Feature story for October “Bad Girl S–“

By: Steve Huston


I asked the question yesterday “Why would a woman, a mother, a wife, spend a dime on Cosmopolitan?”

I ask the question again.   Here is further documentation of concern:

From page 35 – part entitled “Sexier Sex Ed”

“Congress is finally changing its tune after years of funding sex education that focused entirely on abstinence.  Both pregnancies and STDs among teen girls increased while the just-say-no method was being taught.  Lawmakers have now proposed $114.5 million for a more real-world approach that would include tips on birth control. About time!”

See what Pam Stenzel has to say about the kind of nonsense promoted by Cosmopolitan on our webcast featured today.
and go top right hand corner –

From page 126-127 article entitled “Get Naughty tonight.  … So these 12 taboo moves should really drive him loco with lust.”


Three action steps:

(1) Examine why you should care about this.  Do you?  If so why?  If not why not?

(2) If you do care, is it asking too much to take a copy of this Cosmopolitan and go to  the manager and/or assistant manager with your complaint?  Ask them to get rid of this magazine.   It’s pornographic.  I gave you some fodder by showing a few pictures and giving you a few articles to point to.  Even at this I’ve only given you a small portion of the disgustingly pornographic verbiage.

Take this to your store manager and stay kindly but firm.  Repeat this stand as needed until your Wal-Mart or whatever store you frequent makes appropriate change.

(3) Contact Wal-Mart headquarters.

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Michael Duke – President and CEO
702 SW 8th St.
Bentonville, AR 72716
Phone: 479-273-4000
Fax: 479-277-1830


Match Grant Totals:

Received as of 9/16/09 – $13,249.38
88% complete
Needed $1,750.62

With 35 of you giving a gift(those of you who qualify) of approximately $50. we will yet make our challenge.

Please help put us over the top.

Match Grant Challenge – with 14 days yet to go.

Here are the details of this important challenge.

1. it must be new money-from someone who hasn’t given in 2008 or 2009. Or, any amount given in 2009 which was more than what someone gave in 2008. E.g. donor gives $400 in 2008 but cumulatively gives $1000 in 2009 by the end of the match period, we will match $600

2. we will match up to $15,000

3. the funds must be received between June 15 and September 30.

American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI  49412

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P.O.Box 202
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