Calls needed: Three seats on the five-member FCC soon to be filled

By: Chris Johnson

Personal note:

Our airwaves are a disgrace to the nation, to the world and to our God.

Anyone who has a love for children and for their innocence and purity comprehends (and grieves) that which flows over American airwaves is not only a disgrace but a tool of Satan to lead them/us far away from what our loving and Holy God intends for His children.

As we look at the sin that is befalling America, has it ever been more obvious that what is placed before our eyes does impact?

Once network television began producing programs that placed homosexuals in a favorable light the liberal, godless agenda was made clear.

Yet, despite the lobbying efforts and the millions of dollars spent by liberals to indocrinate the public, the majority of Americans still reject homosexual marriages. Yet, still it is foisted upon us at ever increasing levels via the media, the public schools and by many liberal politicians.

On the other hand, few champion and press the fight for decency! What is decency? In the minds of some it is an irrelevant word passing into antiquity.

One verse stands out so clearly:

“They have made no distinction between the holy and the common, neither have they taught the difference between the unclean and the clean…” Ezekiel 22:26a

It will never be antiquated or too late to strive for righteousness in our land! It may be difficult. It may seem impossible or implausible, but it will never be too late.

There isn’t necessarily a lot we can do about what others do, but what we can do we should do. We can “pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.” [Hebrews 12:14]

Our God is not oblivious to our sin or the sin of our nation, as He wasn’t oblvious to the sin of His people Israel. There is a judgement that awaits blatant wickedness.

“… for I have spoken, declares the Lord God. Therefore thus says the Lord God: Because you have forgotten me and cast me behind your back, you yourself must bear the consequences of your lewdness and whoring.” [Ezekiel 23:34b,35]

Striving for decency, for purity is pleasing to God. Standing up. Being salt and light is not always convenient but it is of the Lord!

Below is a word from our friends at Parent Television Council. I urge you to follow their important request – for the sake of your children, grandchildren, your Creator!


Call Your Senators Today and Demand FCC Commissioners Who Will Take a Stand Against Indecency!

Under the leadership of Chairman Kevin Martin, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) took an unprecedented stand for families by vigorously enforcing existing broadcast decency laws.

Three seats on the five-member commission are soon to be filled: The President’s pick for Chairman, Julius Genachowski — about whom we know very little, especially regarding his intent to enforce decency standards — will almost certainly be confirmed by the Senate before the August recess. Senate Republicans will decide who will fill the remaining two seats.

Before that decision is made, your senators need to hear from you! They need to know that you, as owners of the broadcast airwaves, are demanding FCC Commissioners who will take a stand against indecency, and will vigorously enforce decency standards on the broadcast airwaves.

We urgently need you to do two things.

1. Call your U.S. Senators, as well as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and tell them any nominee for the FCC must have an unwavering commitment to upholding and enforcing the broadcast decency law.

2. Forward this message to everyone in your address book.

We’ve already made tremendous strides this year with two recent Supreme Court victories supporting FCC Indecency enforcement! But those victories, as important as they were, are tenuous, and so much will depend on the new leadership of the FCC. We can’t afford to backslide now! There is far too much at stake.

We must dig in and [do our best to urge the FCC] to act in the interest of the American people by holding broadcasters accountable for how they use the public airwaves.

Please take a moment today to make these quick, but very important phone calls. Go to now to take action. And please, forward this message to everyone you know who cares about protecting children from indecent content.


American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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