I received a call from an articulate, concerned parent yesterday. Her voice was filled with dismay and frustration over her public school in Texas.
She had concerns regarding a book that was on the required reading list. It was pornographic and disgusting.
The book is entitled “The Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follett.
She was told by her school that it was (apparently ok) because it was even on the Oprah Winfrey “reading list.”
There are at least 16 pornographic excerpts. I have read several of them and didn’t need any more convincing that this book is inappropriate reading for school-aged children. (adults?)
She was looking for affirming voices who will affirm her in her stand with her school system.
I was one. She has calls in to other ministries. I sent her a letter on our letterhead. Below are excerpts from it.
Quoting my letter of earlier today:
I was a teacher in the public schools for eighteen years. I had been taught by numerous caring and decent teachers during my school years. Similarly, I wanted to be a positive influence of those coming after me.
Teaching is a great privilege as one has the opportunity to shepherd young people. And as I became a parent and taught while seeing my kids through our local public school, I recognized the importance of teachers as positive role models, of peers they hung with, of the curriculum they were being shaped by.
I would not want them to be shaped to be rapists, sexual experimenters (illicit sex, twisting the nipple of a young vulnerable girl, forcing oneself sexually on some vulnerable one). I wouldn’t put myself in a position whereby I was placing such seeds of thought into young minds and hearts. I would have refused to use any material that even hinted at such degradation. Too, I would oppose – vocally and vehemently – any efforts to influence any of my children with verbiage such as ” ..William penetrated her. He liked it when there were people watching. He started to move in and out.” William could see that Walter had not yet been satisfied. “Stick it in this one’s mouth,” he said. “She likes that.” [Taken from “The Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follett, page 443]
Some would say that America is rotting from the inside out. When public school administrators and teachers feel compelled to expose America’s young people to such perversion (and there are over 16 other extensive pornographic passages contained in this book that unbelievably is on the required reading list.)
To place books containing texts filled with lust producing imagery depicting illicit sexual relationships runs totally counter to a philosophy of education that builds up children from the inside: emotionally with integrity and with time-honored standards of decency.
Once upon time such a philosophy was a given. We need our public schools to be enriching our children to be upstanding citizens promoters of what builds up not what addicts, perverts and destroys.
Lastly, then, what I also find so abhorrent is that public schools have incorporated a review system for when a parent does express a concern (as with the above material) that the very review committee is stacked with those sharing the liberal philosophy espoused by the American Library Association (ALA) – “Freedom to Read. Freedom to View.” The committee has been indoctrinated to do a knee-jerk “circle the wagon” whenever a concerned student and/or parent comes forward. There is to be no compromise by members of this committee – no matter how concerning that material.
So seemingly it’s never appropriate for a student or a parent to have concern about a particular book like the one named above – no matter how repugnant:”The Pillars of the Earth.”
The ALA calls such expressions of concern by caring moms and dads as (that dreaded word) “CENSORSHIP!” So in other words, it is never, ever appropriate to find something pornographic and inappropriate for our children and to bring it to the attention of the public school educators at their local school.
There is a word for this too, but, it isn’t one that the ALA would find very tasteful. It’s a disgusting word because it is in fact descriptive of a public school that uses such a policy and it is fitting of most public schools, if not all, (because the ALA has its tentacles of influence throughout the public school world).
The very descriptive word for this injustice is: TYRANNY. The definition of tyranny? “A government in which a single ruler (a tyrant) has absolute power; The office or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler; Absolute power, or its use …”
Written with concern,
I am sincerely,
Bill Johnson, president
American Decency Association
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