An update and an apology regarding Wal-Mart and other updates

By: Chris Johnson

An update and an apology regarding Wal-Mart and yesterday’s email alert.

A special thanks to my friend Dan Iset from Parent Television Council. He wrote the following:

I’m not aware of any Playboy game for Wii, and haven’t found one online anywhere. I believe what this person is referring to is videos on youtube and elsewhere of playboy models being taped while playing Wii.
Just thought you should know.

Valentine’s Day and Victoria’s Secret —

It’s Valentine’s season. My monitoring of one local Victoria’s Secret was more positive than usual – at least for now. I didn’t see the dramatic, sensuous poses and displays as I have so often seen leading up to Valentine’s Day.

Upcoming events.

“Fireproof” – Monday, February 9
We are hosting an appreciation dinner for our local fire department this coming Monday evening at our headquarters. We’ll be treating the firefighters to a dinner, expressing words of appreciation and thanks followed by showing the movie “Fireproof” to them.

We are inviting the community to attend the movie at 7:30 pm and share words of testimony and appreciation regarding our volunteer fire department’s contribution to our local community.

Simulcast featuring – Tony Dungy —
Saturday, February 21

Dare to be Uncommon – Find your path to uncommon significance!”

Come join us on Saturday, February 21, 2009 for an incredible journey!

Be there as NFL Head Coach Tony Dungy reflects (via Satallite) on what it takes to achieve significance and the uncommon paths that can lead you there.

To place a reservation or more information, please call Kimberly @ 231-924-4050

Our Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)


Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D. Mich.) has threatened to hold hearings on “right-wing” talk radio. Read the Story by clicking on THIS LINK:

Call or email this Senator and demand that there be NO hearings on talk radio!

Be respectful, BUT be serious!

Email Senator Stabenow at this address:

Or call her direct number at: 202. 224. 4822
The Congressional Switchboard number is: 202. 224. 3121
Southeast Michigan Office
243 W.Congress Suite 550
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: (313) 961-4330

Western Michigan Office
3280 Beltline Court, Suite 400
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Phone: (616) 975-0052


Fidelis: Porn Lawyer Has a ‘Confirmation Conversion’
David Ogden Tries to Erase His 20-year Radical Record

This is a press release from Fidelis that sums up yesterday’s hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Pres. Obama’s disastrous choice for Deputy Attorney General. The Deputy is the CEO of the Department of Justice – he runs the Department. Keep calling the Senate to let your views be known, 202-224-3121.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

To donate online:

American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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American Decency Association
P.O.Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
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