On March 12, I received a telephone call from a senior friend from western Michigan. She was seeking help regarding a disgusting ad appearing regularly in AARP magazine.
She faxed me both the actual concerning ad and her letter to AARP.
Here are the words in the ad.
Sex. It’s Never Too Late To Learn Something New.
See for yourself on Discreet Home Video.
Couples who watch together not only LEARN from what they see, but often report that the videos themselves are an “instant aphrodisiac.” That’s because they show REAL couples (not actors) demonstrating the joys of REAL lovemaking. …”
[Editor’s note: This is only a portion of an ad running in AARP magazine.]
Express your indignation to AARP at:
William Novelli – CEO
601 E St. NW
Washington, DC 20049
Phone: 202-434-7700
Fax: 202-434-7710
Toll Free: 888-687-2277
Email: member@aarp.org
Or email: media@aarp.org
Shelly Riley Ad Dept
Phone: 202-434-2560
Here is the letter of concern —
My name is … , and my husband and I have been members of AARP over 20 years. We always have enjoyed and have been satisfied with your service and products.
Recently, I was browsing thru your AARP magazine March/April 2009. I came across an advertisement that I felt was very inappropriate. and offensive. It was from the Sinclair Institute, advertising sex toys, and sexual graphic videos …
For the last 2 months, I have tried to voice my complaint and displeasure, by contacting different dept and voicing my concern, but to no avail. One person even told me to “F” off and told me that you can do what you want.
I had always thought that AARP had a very high standard of ethics, as a matter of fact, this is on your website. However, this isn’t the responses I got.
I am hoping that you will take a serious look at this issue, and take appropriate steps to remove this offensive ad from your magazine and bulletin. If this isn’t done, I will cancel all my business with AARP. I will also contact family oriented organizations, media, and any other organization that might be interested in this story. Be assured, AARP will get the attention it deserves.
It is my prayer however, that this can be dealt with in a friendly manner. Please contact me at … .
Thank you for your time, and God Bless.
Personal note:
We are being bombarded on multiple fronts. Don’t lose heart. Our Lord never did.
His call is true and He speaks through us through His servants. One of His servants is J.C. Ryle.
He writes the following regarding ‘weak’ faith and ‘great’ faith. Great faith empowers us to never give up.
Take a moment to read this.
The important request which the Apostles made.
They said unto the Lord, ‘Increase our faith’ .
We know not the secret feelings from which this request sprung. Perhaps the hearts of the apostles failed within them, as they heard one weighty lesson after another fall from our Lord’s lips. Perhaps the thought rose up in their minds, ‘Who is sufficient for these things? Who can receive such high doctrines? Who can follow such a lofty standard of practice?’ These, however, are only conjectures. One thing,at any rate, is clear and plain. The request which they made was most deeply important: ‘Increase our faith’.
Faith is the root of saving religion. ‘[H)e that cometh unto God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that
diligently seek him (Heb. 11:6). It is the hand by which the soul lays hold on Jesus Christ, and is united to Him and saved: it is the secret of all Christian comfort, and spiritual prosperity. According to a a man’s faith will be his peace, his hope, his strength, his courage, his decision and his victory over the world. When the apostles made request about faith they did wisely and well.
Faith is a grace which admits of degrees. It does not come to full strength and perfection as soon as it is planted in the heart by the Holy Ghost. There is ‘little’ faith and ‘great’ faith; there is ‘weak’ faith and ‘strong’ faith: both are spoken of in the Scriptures; both are to be seen in the experience of God’s people. The more faith a Christian has, the more happy, holy and useful will he be. To promote the growth and progress of faith should be the daily prayer and endeavour of all who love life. When the apostles, said, ‘Increase our faith’ , they did well.
If we have any faith let us pray for more of it. It is a bad sign of a man’s spiritual state when he is satisfied to live on old stock, and does not hunger and thirst after growth in grace. Let a prayer for more faith form part of our daily devotions. Let us covet earnestly the best gifts. We are not to despise ‘the day of small things’ in a brother’s soul, but we are not to be oontent with it in our own.
“And the apostles said unto the Lord, ‘Increase our faith.’
Luke 17:5
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American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050
http:// www.americandecency.org
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