33 Minutes – the proliferation of nuclear weapons

By: American Decency Staff

33Minutes-300Friday, November 13 at 7:00 pm.  Movie showing. This 57 minute documentary was produced by the highly regarded conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation.   Several of ADA's staff viewed  recently while in Washington DC at the Value Voters Summit sponsored by AFA, Focus on the Family, Family Research Council.  We were impressed and moved! We will be making this movie  available to all teenagers and above.   The movie is based on significant research -  powerfully challenging our politicians regarding the proliferation of nuclear weapons.  The truth is brutal – no matter where on Earth a missile is launched from it would take 33 Minutes or less to hit the U.S. target it was programmed to destroy. The challenges of protecting America and its citizens for President Obama's administration are great. Featuring rare footage and in-depth interviews with leading experts in the field, Nuclear proliferation around the world, and the threat of a ballistic missile attack of some kind is mounting as more and more countries obtain nuclear technology. At the conclusion of the 57 minute movie, we'll be closing with a time of prayer led by area pastors.   For more information or to reserve your seat call or email our office at:  888-733-2326 or kimberly@americandecency.org; For further information: http://www.heritage.org/33-minutes/ ====================== To support this ministry: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=donate/display9 ==================================== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson

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