“Why support a loser?”

By: Chris Johnson

Several years ago Cal Thomas and Ed Dobson teamed together in writing a book entitled “Blinded by Might” (copyright 1999).

In the book, Ed Dobson (former senior pastor of the large Grand Rapids based Calvary Undenominational – and formerly with Jerry Falwell and Moral Majority) and Cal Thomas nationally syndicated columnist (formerly an assistant with Jerry Falwell and Moral Majority).

A very controversial book at the time, Thomas and Ed Dobson heightened the controversy by going on the May 16th, 1999 edition of CBS’s 60 Minutes. Dobson and Cal Thomas declared that the Religious Right had lost.

They raised the question as to why people would give financial support to Religious Right kinds of organizations. Why support a loser? What have these organizations accomplished? After all abortion is still rampant; television and movies are increasingly sexual and sexually violent. According to Ed Dobson and Cal Thomas, people like you and me are supporting losers.

I say all of this to say that Cal Thomas wrote a column recently (November 5) where he continued on this theme that he developed through his book in 1999. Since I have had several people point that recent column out to me, I felt compelled to shed light upon it and then to offer my response.

Quoting in part from Cal Thomas:

“When Barack Obama takes the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2009, he will do so in the 30th anniversary year of the founding of the so-called Religious Right. Born in 1979 and midwifed by the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, the Religious Right was a reincarnation of previous religious-social movements that sought moral improvement through legislation and court rulings. Those earlier movements – from abolition (successful) to Prohibition (unsuccessful) – had mixed results.

Social movements that relied mainly on political power to enforce a conservative moral code weren’t anywhere near as successful as those that focused on changing hearts. The four religious revivals, from the First Great Awakening in the 1730s and 1740s to the Fourth Great Awakening in the late 1960s and early ’70s, which touched America and instantly transformed millions of Americans (and American culture as a result), are testimony to that.

Thirty years of trying to use government to stop abortion, preserve opposite-sex marriage, improve television and movie content and transform culture into the conservative Evangelical image has failed. The question now becomes: should conservative Christians redouble their efforts, contributing more millions to radio and TV preachers and activists, or would they be wise to try something else? ….”

For entire article see:

Here’s what my response to Ed Dobson and Cal Thomas’ book was in a newsletter that I wrote in June 1999:

(1) You and I are the salt and light of the world. We are to be a Christian influence. When I was a teacher in the public school (18 years), I often realized that if I as teacher had softened the classroom standards of decency (language issues), justice (behavior) and working environment, that my students would not have had the security and the learning environment to succeed as individuals and students. So it is in our homes, communities, state and country. Are we losing the battle for Christian values in our country?

Probably. But, I submit that it isn’t because Christian right groups like AFA, Concerned Women for America, Focus on the Family, Coral Ridge Ministries, Right to Life of Michigan, Family Research Council are ‘losers’.

I submit that God has raised us up because we have been called into ministry. God has seen fit to place in our hearts a burden over the demise of our culture.

The Christian community for generations has been faltering in proclaiming Truth and grace. It has faltered in inculcating its youth with the gospel message.

So our kids are more often than not products of secular, relativistic thinking than they are children who are committed disciples of Jesus Christ. Wealth, status, and materialistic gain have become higher priorities for parents and their offspring than seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Many of our church colleges are no more than secularized institutions with a little Bible class here or there and a godly tradition – years ago. Believers have somehow not questioned the drift from solid, bedrock Bible training, teaching and living.

There are many churches like Ed Dobson’s church which are able to draw thousands of believers. According to Dobson’s thinking, it’s okay to feed the hungry, clothe the poor and offer hospice care to the homosexual dying of AIDS – all good things – but in his theological scheme it is inappropriate to promote picketing an abortuary or a pornography outlet or to encourage his congregation to write letters to advertisers of the Howard Stern Show, for example.

(2) When our salt does lose its savor, it will be “good for nothing but to be tossed out and to be trodden under foot of men”.

Ed Dobson and Cal Thomas talk about the importance of Christians drawing the lost by a quiet life well-lived, being positive. There does seem to be a growing chorus of people who think that the only way to be positive is to be smiling, quiet and in the background.

Hear the word of God.

I hate, I despise your feast days, And I do not savor your sacred assemblies. Though you offer Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not accept them, Nor will I regard your fattened peace offerings. Take away from Me the noise of your songs, For I will not hear the melody of your stringed instruments. But let justice run down like water, And righteousness like a mighty stream. [Amos 5:21-24]

God’s Biblical prophets have not necessarily been “positive”, although I would call Amos positive in his loving confrontation. In this case, Amos is confronting the phoney, shallow churchiness that was rampant in the land; the kind of shallowness that leads to self-satisfaction, lukewarmness, a false sense of peace and contentment. Here God is not feared nor revered though church attendance is still very important you know. [A form of Godliness but denying the power thereof?]

Doesn’t this sound like American Christianity today?

We can put on a big show with our impressive sanctuaries, wonderful music, and large offerings; but where is personal holiness? Where is commitment? Where is personal sacrifice?

(3) Is Christ a loser because the world has not come to know Him as personal Lord and Savior?

Christ’s word makes it clear that broad is the way that leads to destruction and narrow is the way that leads to life. Christ knew that hearing, most would not hear. Still, He came to give His life away – to shed His blood upon the cross for those who would receive Him. He counted the cost and faithfully laid down His life that others might live. Christ seemingly lost, but He IS the victory that overcomes the world!

Christ says in His Word, that “they hated me, they will hate you also”. If I’m living a life that is in sweet accord with the world, will the world hate me? The answer is clear: the world will think I’m fine because I’m like the world. I’m not making the unsaved feel uncomfortable because of my biblical convictions.

But when I speak out before the local library board, for one example, encouraging them to institute a filtering system to filter out pornography, I may very well make a few enemies.

Why do I speak out then? Because I feel compelled to warn. I care deeply that God’s children not become ensnared and damaged by devastating images.

Where does this concern come from? It came from the heart and the mind of Christ. God placed upon me the calling and gifting that He gave to me.

Many of you also share this concern and the call to obedience. Are we losers? Am I asking you to give money and time and energy to a losing organization? God forbid!

With all of my heart, soul and mind, I tell you that I wholeheartedly believe that God has called me. My life before leading the charge in this grassroots ministry was much easier. I once had 3 month vacations. I’m paid less than I was paid as a teacher. Why do I stand for Biblical righteousness and oppose evil? Because my captain is the King of the Universe.

We may seem like losers, but our victory has already been won. We may be losers but we fight out of victory. We may be losers in the way the world would view losing, but God has not called us to be concerned about whether we win or lose but about whether or not we’re faithful.

As Donald E. Wildmon, Chairman of AFA national, has often said, there isn’t a lot that I can do about whether I’m successful, but
there IS a whole lot that I can do about whether or not I am FAITHFUL.

By His grace, I will always be true to Him.

And lastly, a word about Dr. Ed Dobson and Cal Thomas. I hold no ill will against these men. But they are wrong. I am dismayed at the arrogance that it took for them to write a book and to go on a program like 60 Minutes to concede DEFEAT. I wouldn’t tell Ed Dobson “Quit feeding the poor! You’re not successful – there are just too many hungry people in the greater Grand Rapids area, and you’re losing. And what about the rest of the world. Give up! You’re wasting time and the monies of people that support you.”

To Cal Thomas I would never say “Cal, quit writing your columns. People aren’t reading your stuff anyway. Or if they are it isn’t making a whole lot of difference because things just keep getting worse and worse and worse and your ideas are basically being backhanded by Washington. Throw in the towel, Cal!”

Christ is still on the throne. His Truth IS marching on and so it will until He and HE alone comes bringing victory for all those who were FAITHFUL to Him in word and in DEED, whether negative or positive or winning or “losing.”

Is ADA a losing proposition? Perhaps to some. Many? But what about in the eyes of Christ?

With all of my heart and mind, I believe Christ sees us as “more than conquerors through Him who loves us.” So we “keep on keepin’ on” – by His grace!

I remind you of a small year end match challenge that was extended by a friend of this ministry. It seems we are having a rather rough time meeting it. If only a 100 of you or so who look to this email regularly would get behind our efforts with a sacrifice of $25 or $50 or a $100, we could yet make this match challenge.

It’s an extension of an earlier one that we were not able to meet earlier in the year.

Quoting: “I will match all new (from anyone who has not given to ADA in 2007 or 2008) gifts received from June 1- August 31 up to a total of $15,000. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for all you do to uphold purity and holiness.”

This match challenge had already run for three months. Here are the results through that time frame. There were 88 gifts totaling $5,911.00.

So our anonymous donor graciously sent us a check for $6,000 and proceeded to yet challenge us again. Stating: “We will give you $6,000 now and we would like to extend the offer for an additional $10,000 for new money collected by 12/31/08. Keep up the fight…”

Those of you that follow closely know that these year end match challenges – as they are met – have been used significantly to strengthen us to start the new year on solid financial ground!!

If you benefit from our email alerts, I encourage you to show your tangible support. Your gift of any amount will be doubled. We will continue by the grace of God and the help of His people.


To donate online:

American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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