Personal note:
Yesterday I gave an update on Victoria’s Secret, General Growth Properties and the Rivertown Crossings Mall (Grandville, MI).
Today, I am providing another update on Victoria’s Secret, CBL Properties & Associates – owner of 84 properties (out of Chattanooga, TN) and Lakes Mall, (Muskegon, MI).
Regarding CBL Associates & Properties, upon making multiple requests that Victoria’s Secret take down particularly pornographic black and white displays from their windows and getting no response, we mailed packets to each store in the mall urging them to express concern to the mall management.
We included in the packets pictures of the displays and let the individual store managers know that if Victoria’s Secret and the mall did not take down those pictures we were going to call for a boycott the day after Thanksgiving – the kickoff of the largest shopping season of the year. In the letter, we made it clear that we would be calling for a boycott of not just Victoria’s Secret but the entire mall.
Within a couple of days, we received a letter from a law office representing the mall, that in the future we were not to send letters to the mall but only to Victoria’s Secret itself and/or to their law offices.
Within a couple of months, the black and white displays were removed.
That’s a good thing, but the images currently displayed are not appropriate for a family shopping center.
I provide a link below. These are posted (below) to give evidence of how Victoria’s Secret and Lakes Mall – CBL Associates & Properties headquartered in Chattanooga, TN are displaying lingerie in a public shopping mall.
I’m also providing contact information for you to urge the Lakes Mall Manager and the owner of the mall to tone down their displays.
Contact information:
CBL & Associates Properties, Inc.
Charles Lebovitz – Chairman and CEO
2030 Hamilton Place Blvd., Ste. 500
Chattanooga, TN 37421-6000
Phone: 423-855-0001
Fax: 423-490-8390
Toll Free: 800-333-7310
Lakes Mall
Mr. Michael Hage, Lakes Mall Manager
5600 Harvey St
Muskegon, MI 49444
(231) 798-7154
“… Here is the reason why we have a moral breakdown in every area of life. The titanic freedoms which we once enjoyed have been cut loose from their Christian restraints and are becoming a force of destruction leading to chaos. And when this happens, there really are very few alternatives. All morality becomes relative, law becomes arbitrary, and society moves toward disintegration. In personal and social life, compassion is swallowed up by self-interest. …” Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer
Is ADA a losing proposition? Perhaps to some if not many. But what about in the eyes of Christ?
I believe He sees us as “more than conquerors through Him who loves us.”
I remind you of a small year end match challenge that was extended by a friend of this ministry. It seems we are having a rather rough time meeting it. If only a 100 of you or so who look to this email regularly would get behind our efforts with a sacrifice of $25 or $50 or $100, we could yet make this match challenge.
It’s an extension of a match challenge that we were not able to meet earlier in the year.
Quoting: “I will match all new (from anyone who has not given to ADA in 2007 or 2008) gifts received from June 1- August 31 up to a total of $15,000. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for all you do to uphold purity and holiness.”
This match challenge had already run for three months. Here are the results through that time frame. There were 88 gifts totaling $5,911.00.
So our anonymous donor graciously sent us a check for $6,000 and proceeded to yet challenge us again. Stating: “We will give you $6,000 now and we would like to extend the offer for an additional $10,000 for new money collected by 12/31/08. Keep up the fight…”
Those of you that follow closely know that these year end match challenges – as they are met – have been used significantly to strengthen us to start the new year on solid financial ground!!
If you benefit from our email alerts, I encourage you to show your tangible support. Your gift of any amount will be doubled. We will continue by the grace of God and the help of His people.
To donate online:
American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050
Call us:
231-924-4050Email us:
info@americandecency.orgWrite us:
American Decency AssociationCopyright 2025 American Decency