Victoria’s Secret and our web broadcast

By: Steve Huston

Personal note:

Steve Ensley and I continue our weekly broadcast entitled
“Battle for Purity.” Available online as an mp3

This week we discussed Parent Television Council’s year end review of network television.

Comments regarding Victoria’s Secret from around the country and world

Email #1: Regarding Victoria’s Secret

Some cities have had some victories apparently:

I took my daughter to Victoria’s Secret, planning to get honeymoon nighties, and was happily surprised to find the place not openly or plainly erotic – but unhappily found that the things were just ugly: plain, unfrilly, no lace, just unflatteringly skimpy or tight, and clashing colors. Women (should, you’d think) want to look feminine and sexy, not just naked. Who’d have thought: Our town’s Victoria’s Secret was boring.
Lauren in Georgia

Email #2:

Bill and ADA staff . 12-1-08
Just read your ADA update about Victoria’s Secret displays in the W. Michigan ( and other) malls. You have every right and responsibility to encourage people to stand for what God says is good for our society. We are not “sheeple” as the writer indicates. Maybe that person likes “perversion,” but there are many of us who do not want it shoved in our faces when we try to be “out and about” in our daily living. Keep up the good work. God is blessing those who stand strong for Him.
C. & M.K – Eagle, Mi

Email #3: Regarding Victoria’s Secret

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I just wanted to reply back and encourage and applaud you and your staff in your efforts to stand for righteousness in this country. I too am encouraged by the efforts you all put forth. Keep up the excellent work! When I was growing up, I wished for someone to stand up and take the lead and stand for righteousness against those who advertise the seduction of filth. God Bless you and your staff, you all are a great encouragement.
Thanks, Josh
P.S. More power to ya!

Email #4: Victoria’s Secret

Was at the Mall of Abilene in Abilene, TX yesterday and the displays they had in their windows looked like something out of playboy magazine!!!!!! I hope they go out of business!
(Mrs.) Jimmie Coffey

Email #5: Victoria’s Secret advertising

Glad to see some pressure being applied to get VS to tone down their advertising.

Somehow they got my daughter’s name on their mailing list…… I’m embarrassed when I find their catalog in my mailbox……….
God Bless You… Betty H.

Email #6: Request for radio interview

Hi there

My name is George Penk, I am the Producer of a nationwide radio show in New Zealand. Our station (Radio Rhema) is a Christian radio station.

I was wondering if it would be possible to have a brief phone interview with Bill Johnson (or someone else from your organisation) regarding the boycott of Victoria’s Secret?

If this would be possible, please contact me (details below) and we can arrange a time that suits you.
Thank you,

ADA Response:
I responded to Mr. Penk that I’m available. We need to stand up for decency wherever we can – as best as we can.

Lastly —

We have just 13 days to make the match challenge that was extended to us earlier in the year and then renewed also in recent months.

Our match numbers are as follows as of December 18 (9:40 am)
95 gifts totalling $9,418.06

We are trying to reach our goal of $10,000 in gifts from new donors or those who haven’t given since before 2007.

If you benefit from our email alerts, I encourage you to show your tangible support. Your gift of any amount will be doubled. We will continue by the grace of God and the help of His people.

We hope you will want to help push us over the top!

Again, our match numbers are as follows as of December 18 (9:40 am)
95 gifts totalling $9,418.06.


To donate online:

American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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American Decency Association
P.O.Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
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