At the end of the day yesterday, I furnished you with a link regarding some nasty, dangerous, wicked conduct by a group of homosexuals against a regarded church in Lansing, Michigan (2 hours from ADA).
The headline reads from
“Lesbians, condoms go wild in attack on Christian church
Making out at pulpit, shouting blasphemies in front of children”
“… De Leeuw (writing on blog for Right Michigan) reported the ‘open minded’ and ‘tolerant’ liberals ran down the aisles and across the pews, hoping against hope to catch a ‘right winger’ on tape daring to push back (none did).
‘This is what we’re up against,’ De Leeuw wrote. ‘Amidst worshiping congregants and following unifying prayers that our president-elect be granted wisdom as he prepares to lead our nation through difficult global, social and economic challenges, the Michigan left declared open war on peaceful churchgoers. …”
“… ‘Mount Hope churchgoers were unclear as to what the purpose of the demonstration was,’ said a statement from David Williams, a spokesman for the church.
‘The leadership of Mount Hope Church does not attempt to identify the church as anti-homosexual, anti-choice, or right wing. The church does take the Bible at face value and believes what the Bible says to be the truth,’ Williams’ statement continued.
‘According to the Bible, Mount Hope Church believes homosexuality to be a sin, just as fornication, stealing, drunkenness, and lying are sins. No sin greater than the next. Mount Hope Church strives to follow Jesus’ example of loving the sinner but not the sin while helping people change their lives for God’s glory and their improved quality of life. Mount Hope Church also recognizes that to each person God grants freewill.’
The church then offered help for people ‘caught up in unwanted sexual sin, drug abuse, and many other areas.’ …”
Lastly, this word of closing:
In my humble opinion, there is a likelihood (a great likelihood?) that this type of activity may become increasingly prevalent for us in embattled America. It is very probable that the election of Mr. Obama sent a message to homosexuals that has emboldened them to come out aggressively with angst and uncivility. What a shame!.
Will law enforcement in Lansing respond justly against these incredible acts of lawlessness? It is imperative that penalties fitting the crimes be meted out in a timely and just manner.
For those of you that feel led to urge law enforcement to investigate and to prosecute as appropriate, we furnish you with the contacts below. The Lansing State Journal reported yesterday that no arrests had been made by the Eaton County Sheriff Department. See:
Prosecuting Attorney
Jeffrey Sauter
1045 Independence Boulevard
Charlotte , Michigan, 48813-0000
Phone: 517-543-7500
Fax: 517-543-5726
Sherriff’s Office
Sherriff Mike Raines
1025 Independence Boulevard
Charlotte , Michigan, 48813-0000
Phone: 517-543-3512
In times like these, it is also imperative that Christians not lose their head, the mind of Christ and their Christian testimony. God help us to know His will in the various circumstances that we may face and to do it.
These words (below) this morning give perspective on Christ, His love for His people and His sorrow over our sins.
Words addressing the following passage: Matthew 26:36-46
Why do we find our Lord so sorrowful (v 37) and his words so full of distress? (v.38). Why do we see him going apart from his dis-
ciples and falling on His face, and crying to his Father with strong cries and a thrice-repeated prayer? Why is the almighty Son of God, who had worked so many miracles, so heavy and disquieted? Why is Jesus, who came into the world to die, so like one ready to faint at the approach of death?
There is but one reasonable answer to these questions. The weight that pressed down on our Lord’s soul was not the fear of death and its pains. Thousands have endured the most agonizing sufferings of body and died without a groan, and so, no doubt, might our Lord have. But the real weight that bowed down our Lord was the weight of the sin of the world which seems now to have pressed down upon him with peculiar force. It was the burden of our guilt imputed to him which was now laid upon him as on the head of a scapegoat. How great that burden must have been, no heart of man can conceive. It is only known to God.
We see that Christ himself prayed when his soul was sorrowful.
All true Christians ought to do the same. Trouble is a cup that all must drink in this world of sin (Job 5:7). We cannot avoid it. Of all creatures none is so vulnerable as man. Our bodies, our minds, our families, our business, our friends are all so many doors through which trial will come in. The holiest saints can claim no exemption from it. Like their Master, they are often ‘men of sorrows’.
But what is the first thing to be done in time of trouble? We must pray. Like Job, we must fall down and worship (Job 1:20). Like Hezekiah , we must spread our matters before God (2 Kings 19.14). The first person we must turn to for help must be our God. We must tell our Father in heaven all our sorrow. We must believe confidently that nothing is too trivial or minute to be laid before Him, so long as we do it in entire submission to his will. It is the mark of faith to keep nothing back from our best Friend.
[Taken from “Daily Readings from all Four Gospels” by J.C. Ryle]
American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050
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