The Obstinate Tin Soldier

By: Steve Huston

Personal note:

Yesterday we were hit by an all day blizzard. North-south roads were impassable unless you had access to a 4-wheel drive. Worship services were cancelled.

We are being pounded on each day by snow and more snow. As I look out my office window this morning, the snow is clean and fresh. Three to five more inches are expected for tomorrow. It’s snowing as I write.

This snow fall slows us down. The timing couldn’t be better as my daughter and son-in-law from Pennsylvania will be coming in later this afternoon with three of our grandchildren.

And so, I’ll be mostly out of the office throughout the rest of the week. Visiting, getting caught up on life, laughing together and perhaps shedding a few tears together as we talk about memories and meaningful things.


My wife pointed out these poignant words from C.S. Lewis. They speak of Christ.


Did you ever think, when you were a child what fun it would be if your toys could come to life? Well suppose you could really have brought them to life. Imagine turning a tin soldier into a real little man. It would involve turning the tin into flesh. And suppose the tin soldier did not like it. He is not interested in flesh: all he sees is that the tin is being spoilt. He thinks you are killing him. He will do everything he can to prevent you. He will not be made into a man if he can help it.

What you would have done about that tin soldier I do not know. But what God did about us was this. The Second Person in God, the Son, became human Himself: was born into the world as an actual man — a real man of a particular height, with hair of a particular colour, speaking a particular height, with hair of a particular colour, speaking a particular language, weighing so many pounds. The Eternal Being, who knows everything and who created the whole universe, became not only a man but (before that) a baby, and before that a foetus inside a Woman’s body. If you want to get the hang of it, think how you would like to become a slug or a crab.
— from Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis —
Come, Thou long expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel’s Strength and Consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear Desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart.

Born Thy people to deliver,
Born a child and yet a King,
Born to reign in us forever,
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.
By Thine own eternal Spirit
Rule in all our hearts alone;
By Thine all sufficient merit,
Raise us to Thy glorious throne.

[Hymn title: “Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus”
words by Charles Wesley]

Match Grant update:

We have just 09 days to make the match challenge that was extended to us earlier in the year and then renewed also in recent months.

Our match numbers are as follows as of December 22 (9:15 am)
96 gifts totaling $9,468.06

We are trying to reach our goal of $10,000 in gifts from new donors or those who haven’t given since before 2007.

To donate online:

American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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P.O.Box 202
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