Due to the importance of this I’m using this
again to remind, encourage and help
The Dangers of Computer Unreality
[Excerpted from A Godward Life copyright 1999 by Desiring God Foundation. Used by permission of WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc.]
Is there a biblical warrant for personal resolutions? Something very close is the biblical concept of making and keeping vows. “Make your vows to the LORD your God, and perform them” (Psalm 76:11, RSV, emphasis added). Like everything else valuable, this can be abused and turned into presumptuous negotiation with the Almighty. But it does not have to be that.
One can look into one’s own heart and see the weaknesses of the flesh and say to God: “I know that, left to myself, I will make a mess of my life. I do not presume to have the ability in myself to keep promises or vows that I make to you. I thank you for the biblical promise that you will put reverence in my heart to keep me from leaving you (Jeremiah 32:40), and that you will work in me what is pleasing in your sight (Hebrews 13:21). I believe that one small means you have ordained to keep me from sin is the making of vows. Please, show me when this would be fitting, and grant me the grace to do what I promise.”
Here are five computer dangers and five resolutions (or vows) that we all might do well to make.
1. DANGER: The hook of constant curiosity
Personal computers offer a never-ending possibility for discovery. Even the basic environment of Windows can consume hours and days and weeks of curious punching and experimenting. Color schemes, layouts, screensavers, shortcuts, icons, file-managing, calculators, clocks, calendars. Then there are the endless software applications consuming weeks of your time as they lure you into their intricacies. All this is very deceptive, giving the illusion of power and effectiveness, but leaving you with a feeling of emptiness and nervous- ness at the end of the day.
RESOLUTION: I will strictly limit my experimental time on the computer and devote myself more to truth than to technique.
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