The battle within needs to be fought as well

By: Steve Huston

We are all sinners prone to wander as the hymn writer of old wrote. "Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; Here’s my heart, O take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above." [Taken from "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" The battle within needs to be fought as wellAt noon today we continued on and will continue with a time of prayer as we join in the Thursday noon national prayer emphasis. See: We heard about this special call on American Family Radio last week. God tapped us on the shoulder. We are into our second week joining in prayer with other believers throughout our nation – in humble numbers. This will continue through the November election and beyond as God leads. ======================== Tomorrow we are hosting a spiritual conference that we are really excited about. It kicks off tomorrow night with Kenny Williams from near St. Mary, Missouri. Kenny and family left early Thursday morning (3 am) to be here for some renewal and relaxation! Kenny just called to tell us that he and his sons just climbed out of Lake Michigan after a good, chilly swim. Kenny says I can see why you might want to be in favor of global warming up here in Michigan. You need all the help you can get. That Lake Michigan is cold! 🙂 Kenny begins our Friday/Saturday time together sharing about God's move upon his life. Using Kenny's words: "In October of 1986 the announcement of a Strip Show was moving to Ste. Geneveieve was what it took for Kenny to take a bold stand to make a difference. What God has done in Ste. Geneveieve, Missouri though a person that would not qualify for the job is amazing!" We'll have a great time in the Lord. It's not too late for those within driving distance to come and be with us. Friday, July 25 – 7:00 – 9:00 pm 7:00 pm – A time of welcome and a guaranteed lively and convicting presentation by Kenny Williams, Christian activist and one of AFA’s most faithful pro-decency chapter leaders. Kenny and his family are from St. Genevieve, Missouri. 8:00 pm – I’ll be leading a time of open sharing as we discuss mutual concerns and prayer concerns. A time of prayer to close out the evening. Saturday, July 26 – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 9:15 am – Saturday will include powerful messages for the family and for men by Steve Braun. Steve and his family have been Civil War re-enactors for ten years. Steve will challenge people young and old with his presentations incorporating Civil War history with Biblical principles and Christian challenge. Steve comes to us from Canton, Michigan. Presentation #1 – The Spiritual Civil War 10:00 – Break 10:15 – Presentation #2 – Civil War Dads: Leadership, Service, Sacrifice 12:00 – 1:30 pm – lunch on your own – see enclosed list of area restaurants 1:30 – Former pastor Paul Saxton will be challenging us with the Lordship of Christ in regard to money management. Paul resides and ministers out of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Paul is a member of the National Association of Christian Financial Consultants []. 2:30 – Break 2:45 – Dar VanderArk, President of Michigan Decency Action Council, will be discussing and updating us on the battle (including successful higher court battles) in Grand Rapids regarding Sensations and other sex shops. 3:45 – Break 4:00 – A pastoral address — Dr. Norm De Jong, Pastor Fremont Orthodox Presbyterian Church 4:45 – Closing 5:00 – A picnic dinner together provided by ADA with closing comments and prayer Sunday, July 27 – Worship service. 9:30 am For more information, call us at ADA 1-231-924-4050. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050

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