I was meeting with several brothers and sisters in Christ for a time of vision sharing, each of us involved in some type of ministry, when we received the recent news that Christian music singer Ray Boltz has publically announced that he’s embracing the homosexual lifestyle. The reaction around the circle was one of stunned grief. We immediately stopped and prayed for this fallen brother ensnared in unrepentant sin and for his family left reeling in the wake.
American Family Association’s news network, OneNewsNow.com, reported the following:
“There is shock and sadness in the Christian community over word that famed Christian music singer Ray Boltz has publicly announced he’s living a homosexual lifestyle.
“If this is the way God made me, then this is the way I’m going to live…I really feel closer to God because I no longer hate myself.” Those were the words of Ray Boltz in an interview with the Washington Blade about his decision to engage in homosexuality. Boltz, a father of four who was married for 33 years before officially divorcing his wife this year, is well-known for his widely acclaimed songs “Thank You” and “I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb.”
The disclosure by Boltz was stunning news to former homosexual Greg Quinlan who is now with the New Jersey Family Policy Council.
“I’m absolutely shocked. I’ve got some of his CDs and cassette tapes –- tells you how long it’s been around. When he says he’s born that way, we know now for a fact that that’s false. In fact, just last year in March, the director of the Human Genome Project, Dr. Francis Collins, said this: homosexuality is not hardwired. There is no gay gene. We mapped the human genome. We now know there is no genetic cause for homosexuality.”
When asked about Boltz’s homosexuality, The Gospel Music Association — the group which gives out the Dove Awards — told the Blade, “We do not comment on the lifestyle choices of people in our community.”
According to Quinlan, by making such a statement the GMA seems to be “enabling a behavior that is totally inconsistent, incongruent with the message of the gospel.”
As Christians who are walking with the Lord and are living under the authority of His Word, we know that our bent to sin do not come from a holy God who creates us in His image, but from our own carnal, sinful nature, inherited from the original sin of Adam and Eve. God’s Word is very clear – homosexuality is a sin. Each of us has a tendency sin, yet the Holy Spirit gives us the strength to overcome and not yield to that sin. We are called to confess our sins, not excuse them. We are to turn away from our old nature, not use our fallen nature as a rationalization to sin.
May this great fall be a reminder to us all of our vulnerability to Satan’s attacks and heed the words of Jesus: “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41
Our brother Ray Boltz has been deceived by the father of lies. He is in need of our prayers for repentance and restoration. May the prayer of David in Psalm 51 be the prayer of our hearts for each one of us and may Ray Boltz, too, recognize his sin and call upon the Lord for forgiveness and renewal, follow the example of his own lyrics from the song “The Alterâ€Â:
“Just as I am without one plea
But that thy blood was shed for me
And that thou bid’st me come to thee
Oh Lamb of God I come, I come…
“The service is nearing an end
The choir is singing “Just as I am”
And now as the old song is played
People at the altar are kneeling down to pray
Some are finding mercy
Forgiveness for their sins
Some are fighting battles
and they’re struggling to win
The time is come to give them to the Lord
That’s what this altar is for
“That’s what this altar is for
You don’t have to carry those burdens any more
There’s a light in the darkness
There’s a love that’s true
And Jesus is waiting
He is waiting here for you
Go quickly now before they close the door
That’s what this altar is for …â€Â
I urge you to pray regularly for Ray Boltz and for his family.
I also urge you to contact the Gospel Music Association and urge them to not give in to the spirit of the age, but rather stand boldly for the Truth of God’s Word, holding accountable the believers under their leadership.
Email the Gospel Music Association at:
American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050
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