Subscriber to Sports Illustrated? Avoid SI Swimsuit —

By: American Decency Staff

Personal note: We received a couple of helpful comments and suggestions. Here they are below:*** This is for everyone who currently subscribes to "Sports Illustrated". Did you know there's a toll free number "Sports Illustrated" subscribers can call if you want to avoid the Swimsuit Edition? It is 1-866-228-1175. Just to let you know! J.C.S Dayton, Ohio *** Victoria's Secret advertising issues Another voice of concern — Dear Mr. Johnson….I too am so utterly disgusted with Victoria Secret and their advertising…At the end of last year I was walking thru a very nice, high retail mall in Memphis with my three grandchildren, and was bombarded with the horrible images of models in very scanty underwear…To reach the store that I was going to, we had to walk by Victoria Secret…I was so angry that in returning back down the hall, I stormed in there…shaking… with my precious grandchildren with me… I told the sales clerks how offensive it was…especially because my grandchildren had to be exposed to it too…They laughed…God help them!!!! I was so upset that I was almost to the point of tears…I remember years ago when Victoria Secret was much less offensive in their displays…I never completely liked them, but at least it was a lot more decent than now…I hope that more people will boycott them, and that they will go under… We need to have a massive prayer movement to change their hearts…Maybe you could ask your subscribers to do that…I will start praying tonight… Thank you for your vigilence in this matter…It is important!!!!! A.N.P. My comment: Join with us in praying for positive change at the local mall. I commit as our Christian friend has been so moved and urged! I will be referring to this again as I make this a part of my daily prayers. *** Do you have the address of all the stores in the Lakes Mall and Rivertown Crossings? I am going to write them as well. Fact is I have already stop shopping there of my own accord for much the same reason. I am fearful for my own eyes, let alone my 4 boys. I need to step up to the plate and do something about it. My response: CBL Properties list of malls is: Click here General Growth Properties malls are: Click here *** And this reminder — "… And the fact that mainline companies such as Taco Bell, General Motors, Ford, and Pontiac choose to support this (SI Swimsuit) with their advertising dollars should cause us to exercise our calling to be 'salt and light'. We urge you to contact the corporations who align their name with pornography. …" Click here ==================================== "… Here is the reason why we have a moral breakdown in every area of life. The titanic freedoms which we once enjoyed have been cut loose from their Christian restraints and are becoming a force of destruction leading to chaos. And when this happens, there really are very few alternatives. All morality becomes relative, law becomes arbitrary, and society moves toward disintegration. In personal and social life, compassion is swallowed up by self-interest. …" Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer ================== If you think our efforts are worthy, would you please support us with a small gift? Thank you for caring enough to get involved. Click here American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph:231-924-4050 fax:231-924-1966

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