Brief personal note. I spend little to no time in my email alerts discussing the Presidential election, Presidential politics. However, with this being primary election day in my home state, I have decided to show my hand – at least a little. One of the individuals whom I look to on a regular basis in regard to national political matters is that of Gary Bauer and his ministry – "Campaign for Working Families". Even as I prepare to vote in the primary here within just a few hours, I'm still a bit undecided. This ministry is not an endorsing ministry. I'm not trying to hint to you how I will be voting but rather to let you know I am in the "game" hammering it out just as many of you are doing. I could go one of two ways. Frankly, it is still early. Who I vote for today may not be there as we move toward the final days toward nomination. I leave the following for you today. It's Gary Bauer's email alert from Friday. It is his perspective on the election battle on the Republican side. Earlier in his alert he had offered commentary on the Democratic perspective. [As you may or may not know, there is no Democratic primary being conducted in Michigan today. That's another story.] ====================== QUOTING GARY BAUER' EMAIL ALERT FROM FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 2008 A lot of us are frustrated about the GOP's obvious shift in recent years away from conservative principles. A few years ago, the GOP Congress spent money like the proverbial "drunken sailor," which is actually an unfair insult of sailors. When Reagan was elected, he tried to get rid of the federal education bureaucracy. We failed, but at least we tried. Under this administration, the education bureaucracy has grown like a weed, and so has the budget. Are your schools any better? Of course not! Add some GOP scandals to this drift away from conservative principles, and you have a demoralized movement. The GOP presidential debates haven't been encouraging either. When he talks about the war with Islamofacism, Congressman Ron Paul, sounds like he is reading from Ahmadinejad's press releases. Other candidates sound conservative, but their conservative records go back only three or four years! Huckabee is great on life and marriage but sadly sounds like John Edwards on economics and "drowns" when he deals with foreign policy issues. That may not matter to some, but it matters to me – we are at war. Has conservatism really come to this – candidates able to express a coherent conservative message on some issues but not able to present a comprehensive conservative philosophy? A Ray of Hope Last night's GOP debate in South Carolina may represent a turning point. Senator Fred Thompson was a changed man, boldly presenting a consistent conservative message. He lambasted the media for failing to report the success in Iraq. He confronted Giuliani on illegal immigration, telling him over and over again that allowing illegals to stay in the country, is an amnesty no matter what else you try to call it. He repeatedly emphasized his pro-life commitment. He showed a mastery on foreign policy and aggressively argued for tax cuts to prevent a severe recession. And he told our friend Mike Huckabee that too many of Huckabee's positions are liberal, not conservative, including: * Calling for the closure of Guantanamo Bay prison – doing so would result in those jihadist thugs being brought to the U.S., where they would get the protection of our Constitution. * Supporting taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal immigrants, and opposing efforts to require an ID to vote in Arkansas. * Attacking Bush's foreign policy. * Being endorsed by the far left New Hampshire National Education Association. * Call for a federal smoking ban. (What happened to limited government? Do we really want federal bureaucrats deciding what we eat, drink, etc.?) Now you know I have always felt Thompson is the closest candidate to Reagan. But I wasn't the only one who thought he was the winner last night. The Fox News focus group overwhelmingly agreed that Thompson won. The media have been very hostile to him, but even commentators on the major networks said he hit a home run. And major conservative publications were effusive in their praise today, with the "dean" of those publications, Human Events, endorsing him for president this morning. The GOP race may have taken another turn. UNQUOTE: ====================== Lastly, in closing, so we have Thompson, perhaps, the only one who, in Bauer's view has a comprehensive conservative philosophy, finally showing that he has some "fire in his belly" as of last Friday. What has taken him so long? Thompson is running back in the pack here in Michigan at 8% or so with McCain and Romney running neck and neck with Huckabee within striking distance. These are some of the thoughts within our inner circle here. *** It seems we are each struggling to find that candidate that offers that comprehensive conservative philosophy in word and deed. ***Some have said that because we are in a time of war and facing, in all likelihood, more years of increasing terrorism and islamofascism, we'd better keep that aspect in our minds. We are facing very serious days ahead in our nation and in our world. We need a person with strong moral character, a good man, a man who can truly lead in war time. *** And, of course, who is most likely to nominate and fight for strict constructionist judges in their term? This, of course, is huge with several U.S. Supreme Court Justices approaching that time in their lives where it will be necessary to replace them. *** The life issue, of course, is huge! Which is part of seeking that candidate who has a comprehensive conservative philosophy. ============================================================= "…It is light: if it exists, it will show itself. It is salt: if it exists, its savour will be perceived. It is a precious ointment: if it exists, its presence cannot be hid. …" =========================================================== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050
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