A person from New Philadelphia, Ohio writes: "Porn industry is the breeding ground for all of the sex crimes and murders in our nation"Dear Bill, Isn't there any way that we as Americans can stop the porn industry? Several years ago porn was a crime. Why has that changed? If it's still on the books as a crime why can't it be stopped .. Or don't we really care? I have emailed MSNBC about the predators how that the porn sites are the breeding ground for those committing sex crimes. But as yet I never hear that being brought up. WHY? If its a crime and causing all these sex crimes and murders why don't we demand our government to shut the industry down…MY QUESTION IS WHY J.G. of New Philadelphia, Ohio ADA Response. I asked Steve Ensley, president of AFO to comment upon pornography in our culture particularly in regard to the Internet. I'll follow with a few remarks. Quoting Steve Ensley: What we see happening in our culture, and indeed even in our church, is an exponential increase in availability of pornography and an almost comatose desensitization to immoral behaviors resulting in the "perfect storm". It is no wonder that men at all levels are swept up in these storms in ever increasing numbers. What we all seem to miss is that the problem with increased availability and decreased sensitivity is that the consequences of these behaviors do not diminish, if anything they increase. The destruction and pain and hopelessness do not diminish. The social, cultural and spiritual impact does not diminish! Almost every major culture in the history of mankind has been destroyed from within by immoral behaviors. We are no exception! The entertainment industry, the Internet and even our government have contributed to this decay! These men are not victims [referencing earlier email alerts regarding teachers, people in responsibility and illict sex acts and sex with youth] to , they made their own decisions. And unless each one of us turns our focus back on God and not the gods of this world, it will only get worse until out entire culture collapses! That is why the message of purity is so important! That is why Jesus gave us the Lord's prayer! He said, "… lead us not into temptation". Unless we take steps to avoid temptation, unless we change our hearts to seek purity and seek God above all things then our history is already written. These men and their activities are the hand writing on the wall! It is a warning! The question is, do we love God enough to hear and obey His warning! God bless! Steve Ensley sensley@afo.net "What you view becomes a part of you!" Protect your family and your marriage from the Internet!! http://www.afo.net MY FEW COMMENTS The timing is interesting. I just got off the phone with a dear saint (she would be embarassed if she knew I referred to her as a saint) who is standing against sex shops in Montgomery, Alabama. She has met with the mayor's office, talked with congressmen, city attorneys, church leaders, friends, family – trying to get them to take a stand with her against filth in her community. It has been painful to her to see the lack of action, the lack of concern for the damage that pornography is having upon the city. I have been played a significant role in Detroit that resulted in an adult bookstore being turned into dust as a result of the great leadership of an assistant prosecutor and the support of his boss Wayne County Prosecutor John O'Hair (now retired). These victories are still possible but as this lady has discovered "Where is the church? Where is her social action committee at her church? Why won't law enforcement enforce the laws already on the books?" But God is faithful. He has called us to fight on anyway. To be the salt and light anyway. To stand for what is truth, right, God honoring – anyway! Not to conform to this world but to pursue personal purity that Steve names above. Can we defeat the pornography industry? No. Not this side of Heaven. But we can defeat pornography in our own individual lives and live lives that lift up Christ and His love, grace and holiness. We can still keep it out and give the clear message to a watching world that pornography is destructive and evil. We can hate the things He hates and uphold that which He upholds. We can stand against pornography. We can be the salt and the light of the world that the matter of pornography will still be an issue worth fighting against. We can and still are making a difference!! Thank God for that lone voice in Montgomery. Pray that others will join her in these days of standing alone when so much is at stake both in Montgomery and throughout our communities and country. ============================================================= "…It is light: if it exists, it will show itself. It is salt: if it exists, its savour will be perceived. It is a precious ointment: if it exists, its presence cannot be hid. …" =========================================================== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 https://americandecency.org
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