Opportunity for you and me to encourage Victoria’s Secret …

By: American Decency Staff

With last weeks announcement by Sharon Turney, CEO of Victoria's Secret, where she admitted the brand has become "too sexy", we have an important opportunity to express to her cautious appreciation and concern.Further, Ms. Turney states that Victoria's Secret "has gotten off our heritage." How will this ultimately work out into the marketplace in terms of how VS markets their merchandise? We don't know, however, we do know this. This is an opportunity for you and me to express appreciation for the fact that she and Victoria's Secret are realizing they have become "too sexy" and to encourage Victoria's Secret to advertise their merchandise in a tasteful manner. Below we are listing for you a sample letter and contact information: Dear Ms. Turney: Thank you for your forthright comments of last week. I am pulling for you as you set the course. I want you to know that our family is one of many who are urging you to tone down the ways in which you advertise your product line. We will be watching with great concern as you lead Victoria's Secret into the future. Thanks again for identifying a major concern for many of us that VS has become "too sexy" in the manner in which it advertises. Most sincerely, ======================= Victoria's Secret Stores Inc. Grace A. Nichols – President and CEO 4 Limited Parkway Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Phone 614-577-7000 Fax: 614-577-7047 email: service@victoriassecret.com http://www2.victoriassecret.com/html/custsrvc/contact/comments/ For further information: http://www.bloggingstocks.com/2008/02/28/sexy-a-four-letter-word-for-victorias-secret-chief/?ncid=NWS00010000000001 https://americandecency.org/main.php?f=updates_new/2008/February/02.29.08 =========================== American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 fax:231-924-1966 https://americandecency.org

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