One of the contributors to our increasingly godless condition

By: Chris Johnson

Personal note:

I was a teacher in the public schools for eighteen years. I had just become a Christian as I began my teaching career in 1969. I desired to make a difference for Christ. Though I will always believe that the public schools need Christian teachers and administrators, I also know from my later years of teaching that it is difficult to be the Christian influence that one would like – sharing the Gospel in Word is difficult.

Other great difficulties exist:

*** The liberal National Education Association (and the state and local education associations)are so hostile to Christianity and are major advocates of homosexuality, safe sex, evolution and abortion.

*** The vast majority of teachers are liberal having been thoroughly indoctrinated by liberals throughout their years in the public schools and then at schools of “higher learning.”

*** Much has been written in earlier years regarding the fact that children in the public schools are being taught “religion” – it is a religion in direct opposition to the Christian faith – secular humanism.

Where I’m going with this.

I myself am a product of the public schools, though having graduated from high school in 1965, humanism, evolution, relativism, hyper tolerance and secularism, the lines of division were barely being formed.

However, during my years as an undergrad at Michigan State University, I was being indoctrinated by the leftist agenda and didn’t really know it for a number of years afterwards as I was not grounded in basic Christian principles of the absolutes of Truth: that truth exists, that man is basically evil and in need of a Savior, that life is precious and that we are made in the very image of God, that we are in need of a Savior, that this world is not our home, that we can look forward to a day when Christ reigns and those who have received Him as Redeemer and Lord will spend eternity with Him in Heaven and that those who reject Him and rebel against Him will one day spend eternity in separation from Him – hell.

I began to find myself struggling greatly with liberal indoctrination that ran so counter to the Christian world and life view. Though I had begun a Masters program at Michigan State University, I left and pursued and completed a Masters of Religious Education at Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary in 1983.

Despite having a very successful eighteen year career in the public schools, I sought the mind and will of Christ regarding living and yielding to service in His name.

I left teaching in June 1988. I have never regretted that decision over these now twenty years. My perspective from this vantage point of years is recognizing even more clearly that God’s Truth is true and that there are serious implications both here and forever regarding the choices we make.

Indeed, this world is not our home. We are pilgrims in a foreign land. He uses the trials and tribulations of life to shape us and mold us into His people; we are His workmanship for His glory and honor; that we are to be salt and light; to live the Gospel and to live in it.

Indeed, there are some very, very godly young people who have made it through the public schools as top notch warriors for Christ (I think of my niece Mandy now at my Alma Mater Michigan State University – what a shining light she is there for Him – she was grounded in God’s truth and love going in), I know that the vast majority come out of the public schools well prepared to live out the principles that the public school fosters. (I think you know the outcomes of relativism so I won’t get specific here).

As we consider America’s future, one of the contributors to our increasingly godless condition can be found in America’s educational center piece: its public schools and universities.

I’m not oblivious to the fact that many Christian schools are Christian in name only. Christian parents face a great dilemma today, in my humble opinion, or at least they should as the training and education of their children is vitally important to the Lord Jesus Christ!

Lastly, I see around me parents taking responsiblity to train and educate their children in accord with God’s Word and though it isn’t easy, there is the evidence of God’s working power in their young lives. It still can be done!

Our Father IS sovereign. His Truth is marching on. It is vitally important that we don’t give in to the secular pressures that surround us but turn to Christ. Get yourself in a Bible believing and preaching church. Get in the Word for yourself. Stay in it every day. Ask Christ to give you the grace to yield to His will for your life.

Be examples to your children. Pray for them. Love them. Train them. Protect them and take loving oversite of their lives.
Deuteronomy 6 has a lot to say about this.

American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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