Not one thing disparaging our Lord

By: Steve Huston

Please hear these wonderful words regarding this incredibly powerful movie – “Fireproof”!

But first this short personal note regarding movies. As a kid and into my twenties, I went to many movies (Keep in mind that was in the 50s,60s and 70s).

Since the 80s, I have been in a movie theater less than 10 times. I know that Hollywood has damaged and degraded America – our children and families for many years. Yet, when a Christian and/or a team of Christians catch a vision to create a movie that truly ministers, I believe that I must put down(if momentarily) my disgust for what comes through movie theaters, attend it and promote it. Yet, saying all of this to say, a Christian family needs to proceed carefully with their children to avoid the preliminary advertisements that scroll across the screen. Some will avoid this film for that very reason and await the release of the DVD. I fully understand. Believe me – I DO UNDERSTAND! I never took my youngest son (now 19) to any movie until fairly recently and that with great care.

Lastly, this comment. The movie “Fireproof” is the most powerful movie on bringing healing to a marriage that I believe has ever been created. I believe that it gets to the heart of so many shortcomings and sins that exist in untold millions of marriages today. I believe that there will be numbers of individuals and/or couples who will see themselves and their sin in the lives of the married couple portrayed in this powerful movie. That there will be those who weep over what is going and on and what they are doing. How they have gotten trapped in self-centeredness, pride, anger, self-righteouness, etc., etc..

I believe God will use this to bring individuals and couples to repentance and that He will be glorified and marriages saved and strengthened. “Fireproofed.”

Letter #1

My wife and I went to see “Fireproof” about three weeks ago, happily married and blessed with two teens serving the Lord. Without either of us commenting, we both ordered the workbook – Love Dare and are both completing the 40 day Love Dare. No marriage is secure enough that we cannot improve with the help of our Lord and Savior.

This past Friday night we “double dated” with our 17 year old daughter and her boyfriend and although our daughter sort of grumbled about going to a boring movie, when she got there, both she and her boyfriend have raved about the movie and felt lead to tell their friends about the movie and the cool thing to double date with your parents. We all enjoyed the evening and were once again blessed to tears with the story line of the movie and the witness it provides to all ages. It is a must for every age, single or married, divorced or separated. I beleive it would heal many relationships past, present and future. It is the love message that our Lord and Savior spoke as he walked among his disciples and he still speaks to each of us today……that we are to love one another as He loves us. Continue in His work

In Jesus name…………Don and Susan

Letter #2:

I went to see Fireproof and LOVED it!! It is a must see, especially for marriages that are hurting. Actually, I think all couples would be blessed by it. It makes a great date night movie.


Letter #3:

HI Bill,
My wife and I saw it two weeks ago. It was awesome. I have told many others and they have come back with the same report. Whole theatres of people, crying and applauding.
God bless,

Letter #4:


What a totally refreshing movie-going experience Brenda and I enjoyed this past weekend as we viewed the movie Fireproof. As a Christian husband, I found it very encouraging and exhorting! The very thing that should be top priority in my life was clearly depicted: knowing and loving God through Jesus Christ and then loving my wife more than I love myself. I was encouraged, moved with compassion, and entertained – an excellent experience!


Letter #5:


My wife and I went and saw this movie the last day it was open in theaters in our area. We’ve been married just over 5 years and have a great marriage but what we learned from this movie made it even greater! I don’t know that I can pin point one thing but the overall feel of the movie left us feelingcloser – we already do mush of what the movie was about – which is why our marriage is already great! But it was awesome to see a good movie that ended the right way and approached our relationship with God in the right way! We’ve walked out of movies before and felt bad but this movie left us smiling and feeling good – and we talked for a long time afterwards! I hope
and pray we will see more movies of this caliber!

If I had to pick a negative the only thing I would comment on is that some of the fire scenes were a bit unrealistic – having been a firefighter years ago it bothered me that they had characters going into buildings before the water and alone – but that didn’t detract from the theme or point of the movie at all!

Rowlett, TX 75088

Lettter #6

Bill, it is a great movie especially for people who are married and
don’t feel their marriage is all it could be.

I own a business with about 250 employees and we offered to pay for the movie for anyone who wants to go–I don’t know how many have taken us up on the offer but I know quite a few have.


Lettter #7:

My Sunday School Class (we are mostly seniors) went to the movie together. We all thoroughly enjoyed it and the entire audience applauded when it was over. Our wish is that every family, particularly young people just married or about to be married, would see this movie. Besides the wonderful message, it was refreshing that we didn’t have to listen to profanity and view sexually explicit acts. We haven’t forgotten trials in marriage and we
haven’t forgotten the joy in appreciating overcoming them together. Young people these days don’t seem have the tools to work thing out together. Hopefully, this movie will give them inspiration.


Letter #8:

I went to see the movie, “Fireproof,” this past Saturday with a friend. You’ll need Kleenex, as it hits home. What a great movie! The plan of salvation was presented numerous times in a very tasteful manner. Congratulations to the actors, producer, the church, and God!


Letter #9:

I went to see this movie on Friday night with my husband and I took my teenage daughter and her boyfriend to see it on Saturday night. It was one of the most powerful and moving films I have ever seen. I would encourage anyone who is married or dating to go see this movie. It will make you laugh, it will make you angry and it will make you cry. The message about a relationship with Jesus and other relationships regarding spouses, friends, and parents is brought across “loud and clear”. I would go see it again if the opportunity arose.

LIberty, SC

Letter #10:

My wife and I went to see this movie, though we seldom watch movies either at a theater or in our home because there are so few that are fit for a Christian to watch. But we trusted those like Bill Johnson and others who recommended this one and we were not disappointed. It clearly shows that the power of Christ and the Word of God can make a big impact on an individual and a marriage. We would encourage those who have strong marriages, weak marriages or who are thinking about getting married to go and see this movie.
A Michigan Pastor

Letter #11:


My wife and I attended the movie last week and were very impressed with the professionalism of the production of Fireproof. It was both moving emotionally and a strong presentation of the necessity for total commitment when one enters into marriage. We felt it was a strong endorsement for the protection of the sanctity of marriage, in a day when the concept of legitimate marriage is under attack. We definitely need more movies of this character in a very confused world.

Letter #12:

Dear Bill:

I took my “prodigal” daughter to see the movie. She teared up all during it and after the movie we talked and she said she really thought it was a great, clean movie. It is my prayer she will begin to make changes in her life because of it’s influence.
Thank you.

Letter #13:

My wife and I went to see it on opening weekend. It was a very good movie and shows what can happen in a marriage if one or both spouses are selfish. The only thing that it needs is to expand on whether or not Kirk Cameron’s character was a Christian before. It would help non-Christians to understand that their marriage could be saved if they both turned their lives over to Jesus. Otherwise, if you liked “Facing the Giants”, you’ll love this one too.

Valrico, FL

Letter #14:

one of the best movies of all time for couples. “FIREPROOF” playing in Manville 12. in New Jersey, We saw it Sunday night and we came away with the same thought as the other two couples we went with,
“Tell every couple we know, married or engaged, happily or struggling.”

They hoped it would be in the top 10 for the new releases, it was 4th! Very appropriate after our recent retreat weekend. What kind of risk would you take to safe a marriage?


Letter #15:

Hello Bill,

One of the women who I volunteer on retreats with, who is also a youth minister like myself, sent the link to Fireproof, the Movie. She said it would only be playing in our area for 1 weekend, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

My husband and are in our mid 40’s and we invited another married couple in their mid 30’s to join us on Sunday evening, and to my surprise, the theater had a good crowd. Although the theatre was not packed, it was a decent crowd.

We all watched this beautiful movie unfold. We laughed and we cried. It was great. Afterwards, we went to a coffee shop to talk about the movie, and how much it meant to us. Even my husband, who on the outside, is like a tough cookie, told us the moment when he cried. It was when the character played by Kirk Cameron, found out that his Mom was the person who wrote the notebook, and he went to hug her and to apologize.

We all would recommend the movie, and the people where I work, (we have a prayer group and Bible study during lunch time) all went to see it and we were all so excited to talk about it. We keep encouraging those who have not seen it yet to go see it.

I think that I am going to play this movie for my youth group when we discuss relationships.I think this movie is a blessing and it is for EVERYONE to go and see.


Letter 16:

We saw the movie one of the first nights it was out. My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed it and felt it was very well done and well worth watching. My husband and I are 75 and 74, respectively, and have been married 55 years. We loved it.

This is a movie that you can take your whole family to see. Very good!

Letter #17:

Dear Bill,

Thank you for all you do, first of all! You’re a light set on a hill” that shineth forth!

My son and his wife took me to see this movie a little over a week ago. I don’t know when I’ve ever seen a movie quite like this. Throughout the growing up years of my sons, my husband and I tried our very best to “put no unclean thing before their (or our) eyes”, or ears, for that matter! It was quite a struggle, as you well know! We, too, had nothing to do with the theatres.

God must have His hand of Blessing on this movie. There is not one thing that I can think of to disparage the name of our Lord, nothing to detract from the FACT that this is a movie made to uphold the values which God has set forth for us. We do see the husband struggling with his ‘porn’ addiction, but nothing improper is ever shown. However, the difficulty of his struggle is clear. Problems with his wife and the wonderful way he hesitatingly (in the beginning) goes about overcoming them is totally amazing and really portrays what determination and a lot of effort can bring when God is in it. Not one curse word! Not one sex scene even intimated! No cleavage flashing upon the screen unexpectedly. The wife’s struggle with caring for another man is handled quite well and the ending of that problem has a particular finesse, as we see the truth portrayed in the old adage, “If he’ll cheat on his wife, he’ll cheat on you”!

When I think back over all the years of our struggles to help our boys grow into God-fearing, pure and wholesome young men, I can’t help but think what a great help films such as FIREPROOF would’ve been. I’m more thankful today than ever for the Godly example their Dad set. Now I have to take him (their Dad) to see it!

May God richly bless you and your ministry!

Reidsville, NC 27320

I apologize for the very lengthy email. I felt that the responses needed to be read. God bless you for taking the time to write and please keep them coming.

In addition, a ministry follow up of the movie entitled:
“Fireproof my Marriage.”
It’s a simulcast scheduled for all day Saturday (November 1) in locations throughout the U.S. – a satellite simulcast featuring Gary Smalley and Les Parrott and others.

Are you burdened over special friends and loved ones yourself? Could you use some extra ministry to your heart(s) at this time?
If the Lord is speaking to your heart about this need, I urge you to check out the website below for location details and more.

For further information, please call us at:

In Christ alone,


I announce to you a year end match challenge that was extended by a friend of this ministry.

It’s an extension of an earlier one that we were not able to meet a little bit earlier in the year.
Quoting: “I will match all new (from anyone who has not given to ADA in 2007 or 2008) gifts received from June 1- August 31 up to a total of $15,000. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for all you do to uphold purity and holiness.”

This match challenge had already run for three months. Here are the results through that time frame. There were 88 gifts totaling $5,911.00.

So our anonymous donor graciously sent us a check for $6,000 and proceeded to yet challenge us again. Stating: “We will give you $6,000 now and we would like to extend the offer for an additional $10,000 for new money collected by 12/31/08. Keep up the fight…”

Those of you that follow closely know that these year end match challenges – as they are met – have been used significantly to strengthen us to start the new year on solid financial ground!!

If you benefit from our email alerts, I encourage you to show your tangible support. Your gift of any amount will be doubled. We will continue by the grace of God and the help of His people.


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American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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