Levi’s at it again: “First Time”

By: Steve Huston

Levi’s at it again!!!!
Do you remember Levi’s ad just a few months ago: “unbutton your beast?”

We received this email regarding “First Time.”


I have never written you but appreciate your ministry.

For the first time last night I witnessed a Levis 501 ad named “First Time”.

As bad as things are on television this one took the cake for me. Is anyone taking this on in your organization and where can I fight back?

Thank you.


“First Time”

Contact Levi:

Levi Strauss & Co.
R. John Anderson – President and CEO
1155 Battery St.
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: 415-501-6000
Fax: 415-501-7112
Toll Free: 800-872-5384
Email: http://www.levistrauss.com/Company/ContactUsForm.aspx?loc=1
Email: newsmediarequests@levi.com

For your information, the reason for the boycott of Levis Strauss in earlier years is as follows:

Levi Strauss cut off financial support for the Boy Scouts of America because the BSA would not allow homosexuals and atheists to be scoutmasters. Promote the boycott of Levi’s, Dockers and Signature.

Lastly —

We have just 14 days to make the match challenge that was extended to us earlier in the year and then renewed also in recent months.

Our match numbers are as follows as of December 17 (9:40 am)
91 gifts totalling $9,288.06

We are trying to reach our goal of $10,000 in gifts from new donors or those who haven’t given since before 2007.

If you benefit from our email alerts, I encourage you to show your tangible support. Your gift of any amount will be doubled. We will continue by the grace of God and the help of His people.

We hope you will want to help push us over the top!

Again, our match numbers are as follows as of December 17 (9:40 am)
91 gifts totalling $9,288.06.


To donate online:

American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

Contact us:

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American Decency Association
P.O.Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
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